collecte section Bourgogne

leptospiral infections to humans

 In the transmission of leptospiral infections to humans, the animal carriers which may become urinary shedders after acute, mild, or
more frequently inapparent infection, serve as important foci. Infections of humans and other animals result from direct or indirect
contact with infected urine of these shedders.
For example, direct contact may occur when people care for sick animals, fondle a pet dog, or handle the tissues of infected animals in abattoirs. Indirect contact occurs when the organisms are excreted in water or moist soil, and people are subsequently exposed while swimming, working, or otherwise coming in contact with the contaminated environment.
Although arthropod vectors have not been incriminated as yet in the transmission of leptospirosis in nature (29,30), several investigators
have been able to infect ticks by allowing them to feed on infected guinea pigs or hamsters.
These experimentally infected ticks transmitted the disease to normal animals. >>