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Lyme Disease And The Brain: Everything You Need To Know

Line Immunoblot Assay for Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever and Findings in Patient Sera from Australia, Ukraine and the USA. -

New artlcle published showing Lyme Disease borrelia and Tick Borne Relapsing Fever Borrelia in Australia.
One hundred left over and decoded serum samples that would otherwise be discarded, received from Australia in the period September 2015 to December 2017 for routine testing for tick-borne diseases at IGeneX, were tested for Relapsing Fever and Lyme Disease Borrelia.
Refer to the table in the photo for the results which show both Relapsing Fever and Lyme Disease Borrelia to be present.

Researchers race to develop Lyme disease vaccine - Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH

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Illness linked to tick bite kills ex-N. Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan at 66

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Ticks which can spread brain illness confirmed to be in Norfolk

Tick-borne Encephalitis virus (TBE) - public health officials finally admit its presence in Norfolk county, England.
This could have been here for decades. Which patients with neurological symptoms have ever been tested for TBE?
We have our own UK type of TBE here anyway, a disease called Louping Ill.
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à l'assemblée nationale , HONTEUX , pas de recherche allouée pour des millions de malades ?

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Brain illness spread by ticks has reached UK

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Public Health England says it has found tick-borne encephalitis virus in…

They’ve faced asthma, allergies and Lyme disease — meet the teens who are suing Canada over climate change

A key part of their claim is climate-change related injuries the youth allege they have experienced — including asthma, fatigue, allergies, mental health effects and, in Robinson’s case, Lyme disease.》

borrelia in brain

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blood brain barrier

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Kristoffferson struggled with memory problems in recent years and was told he had Alzheimer's disease, but it appears he was misdiagnosed and all along has actually been suffering from the tick-borne illness Lyme disease.

Actor and songwriter Kris Kristofferson and some of those closest to him are speaking out about his health problems and their surprising cause.
Kristoffferson struggled with memory problems in recent years and was told he had Alzheimer's disease, but it appears he was misdiagnosed and all along has actually been suffering from the tick-borne illness Lyme disease.
Articles in Rolling Stone and the entertainment magazine Closer Weekly reveal that the 80-year-old -- whose songs have been covered by the likes of Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley -- has struggled through a years-long medical odyssey
Kristofferson and his wife Lisa told Rolling Stone that for years, doctors had been telling him that his increasingly debilitating memory loss was due to either Alzheimer's or to dementia brought on by blows to the head from boxing and playing football and rugby in his teens and early twenties.
"Some days, Kristofferson couldn't even remember what he was doing from one moment to the next," the site said of the actor who starred alongside Barbra Streisand in the 1976 film "A Star is Born," and who's known for his roles in the Blade movies and other films.
Earlier this year, though, a doctor decided to test Kristofferson for Lyme disease, which can cause neurological problems, including memory issues and what some describe as "brain fog," as well as a broad range of other symptoms. The test came back positive.
His wife told Rolling Stone she believes he picked the infection up from a tick as he crawled around the forest in Vermont during six weeks of filming the movie "Disappearances."
"He was taking all these medications for things he doesn't have, and they all have side effects," she told the magazine. After the Lyme diagnosis, he dropped those medications and went through three weeks of treatment for Lyme.
"It's like Lazarus coming out of the grave and being born again," Kristofferson's friend, Nashville singer-songwriter Chris Gantry, told Closer Weekly.
Gantry, who's known Kristofferson since 1964, said he was heartbroken when he thought his longtime buddy seemingly had Alzheimer's.
"For the past six or seven years, there was this slow realization that he was becoming forgetful. It was apparent," Gantry said. "For the past six or seven years, there was this slow realization that he was becoming forgetful. It was apparent."
Bucky Kahler, Kris' best friend since middle school, weighed in in the Closer article, too. "[Kris is] in great spirits," he said. "He's getting better and better."
While Lyme disease can sometimes mimic Alzheimer's with dementia-like symptoms, there are effective treatments available for Lyme, including antibiotics -- unlike Alzheimer's, for which there is currently no cure.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are about 329,000 cases of Lyme disease in the U.S. each year. Only about 30,000 are officially confirmed and reported to the CDC.
Doctor's often look for a hallmark bulls-eye rash around a tick bite, but not everyone infected has an obvious mark. Symptoms may include a fever, rash, facial paralysis, and arthritis. Other severe problems sometimes linked to Lyme include heart and brain issues and can appear months or even years after being bitten by an infected tick.
"Kris is as sharp as he's been in the past 20 years because of his treatments," another longtime friend told Closer. "His wife, Lisa, and his eight children see a different Kris now. It really is a modern-day medical miracle."
First published on July 20, 2016 / 2:19 PM
© 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

BRIGITTE ROBIN, Ambassadrice France Lyme au Salon du Cheval "Equitalyon" 2019

BRIGITTE ROBIN, Ambassadrice France Lyme au Salon du Cheval "Equitalyon" 2019
Ma première victoire dans un Challenge équestre, 1967 : gagnante du Challenge Femme et rencontre avec Daniel lui-même vainqueur du Challenge Homme
Mon premier titre sportif, 1973 : Championne de France de Hand-ball avec l'équipe Dauphiné Savoie
Mon plus grand bonheur, 1986 : mon mariage avec Daniel dans une belle calèche tirée par deux magnifiques chevaux et entouré par l'amour de nos familles et amis
Mon plus grand malheur : la perte de notre fils Adrien décédé de la mort subite du nourrisson à six semaines
Mes plus grandes joies: la naissance de mes filles Isabelle en 1987 et en 1993 de Marie
Ma plus grande satisfaction et fierté, 2000 : Obtention du Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif 2°degré à Mâcon pour le Tronc commun 2èmedegré et la partie Spécifique Equitation à Saumur en 1984. Formatrice au métier de l'équitation BPJS, BAP et ATE. Daniel est détenteur du BEES 1° degré de même qu'Isabelle, qui de par son métier de cavalière professionnelle en Suisse participe avec succès à d'importantes compétitions internationales. Bien que non professionnelle Marie participe aussi à des épreuves nationales avec des classements plus qu'honorables et réguliers.
Mon plus grand désarroi, 2018 : le diagnostic de ma maladie de Lyme ainsi que celle de mon merveilleux cheval Adonis : « Petite tique, grosse maladie »
Mon plus beau défi, 2019 : mon titre de Vice-championne de France Major 2 Excellence à Cluny avec mon cheval Adonis
Mes soutiens : mon mari Daniel, mes filles, ma famille, mes amis, les membres de l'association des cavaliers vétérans Rhône- Alpes, les responsables de France Lyme Isère et tous mes compagnons animaux sans oublier mes thérapeutes Français et Suisse avec leur «traitement de cheval !»
Mon combat à venir : Contribuer à Vaincre la maladie de Lyme et faire progresser la recherche pour tous les patients et nos amis les chevaux

Rendez vous du 30 octobre au 3 novembre à Equitalyon au stand de la Ligue Rhône Alpes pour toutes informations se rapportant à l'équitation dans la Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes et concernant la maladie de Lyme : « Et si une tique changeait votre vie? »
Brigitte Robin

J’ai contracté la maladie de Lyme en 2015 qui a entrainé ma tétraplégie

Autre belle histoire de cette Fondation, Lou Braz-Dagan, athlète handiski engagé dans l’aventure des Jeux paralympiques de Pékin 2022, est ambassadeur de la Fondation. « J’ai contracté la maladie de Lyme en 2015 qui a entrainé ma tétraplégie…Je n’avais qu’un but, reskier plus que remarcher. Le sport m’a permis de combattre ma maladie. » Equipé d’un fauteuil adapté et aidé par Salomon, Lou a l’ambition de glisser vers son Olympe."

Maladie de Lyme : des chercheurs vont plancher sur un vaccin

Le fonds de recherche biotique a pour but d'informer et de financer la recherche sur la maladie de Lyme et les maladies vectorielles à tiques.
Le fonds de recherche biotique a pour but d'informer et de financer la recherche sur la maladie de Lyme et les maladies vectorielles à tiques.

nous n'avons toujours pas de réponse sur le fait que la Recomandation de Bonne Pratique de la HAS sera réellement appliquée au sein des Centres de Référence et de Compétence, centres dont nous contestons toujours la légitimité et auxquels nous nous opposons fermement

Merci à Mme Christine Pires Beaune pour sa question très pertinente et bien argumentée. Le Gouvernement manie toujours la langue de bois... nous n'avons toujours pas de réponse sur le fait que la Recomandation de Bonne Pratique de la HAS sera réellement appliquée au sein des Centres de Référence et de Compétence, centres dont nous contestons toujours la légitimité et auxquels nous nous opposons fermement.


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Glasgow make-up artist in Lyme disease hell after SECOND tick bite in two years

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