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A new interview with Dr. Kerry Clark on his earth shattering study that confirmed Lyme Disease in patients in the southeastern states Georgia and Florida with the Lone Star tick implicated as the potential vector.

A new interview with Dr. Kerry Clark on his earth shattering study that confirmed Lyme Disease in patients in the southeastern states Georgia and Florida with the Lone Star tick implicated as the potential vector.

"Patients in my study received a variety of diagnoses by their physicians, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and others." 

"We tested patients’ blood, skin samples from rashes, or ticks removed from patients with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to detect DNA of Lyme disease bacteria. This was followed by DNA sequence analysis. We found three different Lyme Borrelia species in patient samples, including the known Lyme disease species Borrelia burgdorferi, and two other species never before found in human LD patients. We also identified Lyme Borrelia DNA in lone star ticks removed from several patients."