Typhoon: Songs For A Lost Childhood
"Kyle Morton can trace his life as a songwriter back to a bug bite. Morton was bitten by a tick as a child, contracting a case of Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for years, even as it wreaked havoc on his body."
"It obliterated any sense of these monumental truths that I had as a kid: that I would grow up, that I would be strong and tall. That's something, on a personal level, I've been trying to come to terms with, this regret, or this feeling of loss, over a person I never became," Morton says. "So that's the only thing I find worthwhile to write about, because not only is it important to me, I think it's a feeling a lot of people can relate to — a sense of wanting to be something and not being able to achieve it."

Atteinte de la borréliose chronique persistante , babesia et bartonella ; le déni est grand , battons nous pour la faire connaitre la borréliose de lyme et ses coinfections ; 8 ans de bi et tri therapies d'antibiotiques auxquels j'ai ajouté une partie du protocole Buhner et autres http://francelyme.fr
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