collecte section Bourgogne

Advanced topics in the Science of Borrelia and applications to medical practice

by inmacdonald » Thu 1 Aug 2013 12:43

To all:

To contact the Foundation: [Telephone and Internet Information Below}

Regarding the 100 minute video interview on Lyme Science: Advanced topics
in the Science of Borrelia and applications to medical practice
Summary of Key topics:
B31 strain testkit manufacture in the USA: Inherent weaknesses in
using a single strain of Borrelia burgdorferi {b31} which is a CLONE
maintained for30 years since its isolation and purification by limiting dilution
to produce a Single Borrelia Spirochete-with ONE DNa,One Set of Proteins
which Never change and whose proteins MISMATCH the proteins of
Borrelia species from Wild ticks [estimated number of GENotYPes today in USA exceeds 100 genotpes- None of which are perfect matches for the 30year old B31.
Borrelia DNa Fluxes : Ongoing : resulting in themanufacture of New Proteins
and New Patient Antibodies to these year 2013 proteinsets whichwere
undreamed of 30 years ago.
Influenza Virus changes Each year, and Last year's antibodies do not protect
or identify the proteins of Influenze Year 2013 type. And so it is with
FLUX [Change in DNA sequence/genes]
in DNA of borrelia in Wild ticks.

Conclusion: B31 based Lyme Testing kits are Obsolete for detection of
most Lyme Infections or Re-Infections ... or for European borrelia strains
infecting the human host acquired while on vacation overseas or while
on manuevers during Military service -especially in Germany.
Remanufacture Borrelia Test kits from a Variety of all known Borrelia
Strains to get a better test kit for the detection of Antibodies [for year 2013,and nof for year 1982}to
Borrelia infetions in the human host.

And Much More in the lecture:

Do Patients actually FAiL THERAPY? - A detailed discussion of reasons for
Failure...including PHYSICIAN FAILURE as opposed to
Failure of other medical sccenarios

617 314-5900


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