collecte section Bourgogne

CDC are trying to denigrate the new Lyme test culture method at Advanced Lab Services (developed by Eva Sapi et al) by saying nearly all (92%) of the samples were contaminated with laboratory borrelia....... which is totally ridiculous...

CDC are trying to denigrate the new Lyme test culture method at Advanced Lab Services (developed by Eva Sapi et al) by saying nearly all (92%) of the samples were contaminated with laboratory borrelia....... which is totally ridiculous...

Assessment of New Culture Method to Detect Borrelia species in Serum of Lyme Disease Patients
Barbara J.B. Johnson, Mark A. Pilgard and Theresa M. Russell
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, published ahead of print 14 August 2013.

"To better understand these unexpected findings, we 
determined pyrG sequences of the laboratory reference 
strains used by the investigators for method development and 
testing of culture medium. Eighty percent (41/51) of the 
reported patient-derived pyrG sequences are identical to one 
of the laboratory strains and an additional 12% (6/51) 
differ by only a single nucleotide across a 603bp region of 
the pyrG gene. Thus, false positivity due to laboratory 
contamination of patient samples cannot be ruled out and 
further validation of the proposed novel culture method is 
