collecte section Bourgogne

Food can be your enemy or help you heal ~ make sure you are eating foods that are going to help you not make you feel worse. Important to cut out gluten, sugar and most dairy to aid in the healing process.

Food can be your enemy or help you heal ~ make sure you are eating foods that are going to help you not make you feel worse. Important to cut out gluten, sugar and most dairy to aid in the healing process.

*** Gluten is the protein found in wheat and is directly responsible for causing inflammation in the body. A large portion of the population can't consume gluten, or what the medical likes to refer as "Celiacs Disease", because well, we humans really weren't designed to consume it. The whole concept of eating "gluten free" is now being harnessed by corporations as a marketing tool for business and as a result, the credibility of the natural human diet is being diluted.

*** Dairy contains a protein known as casein which is also responsible for causing inflammation in the body. Dairy is questionable though in regards to being consumed raw(unpasteurized) as opposed to pasteurized. There is evidence that suggests that raw dairy, because it comes from cows that are grass-fed, contain the right balance of omega-6 (inflammatory) and omega-3(non-inflammatory) fatty acids. Cows or any livestock that are fed grains as opposed to grass have a distorted and compromised metabolism simply because of their diet; they're consuming grains when they're designed to consume grass.

*** Sugar is believed to feed the spirochetes and also suppress the immune system. When it comes to consuming sugar when healing from Lyme Disease, there exists no greater confusion or frustration; and there shouldn't. Again, human beings weren't designed to consume sugar in the manner that we do today but in the appropriate absorption through foods naturally containing sugar. The only sugar one should consume is the sugar that is contained in the wholesome and nutritious foods we were designed to consume. Even still, some people have a reaction or response to high sugar fruits while battling Lyme Disease so be discretionary and listen to your body.