collecte section Bourgogne

Luft has already developed many treatments for Lyme disease, and has found that many patients don't respond well to antibiotics. ---

Ben Luft on persistence of Lyme Disease 'Dr. Benjamin Luft, a professor at Stony Brook University School of Medicine, told Healthline that Lyme disease could affect just about anyone. “If you garden, take a walk in the park, or go to the beach, you're at risk for getting Lyme disease because you get it from doing everyday activities.”

Because the symptoms often resemble those of flu or other illnesses, Lyme disease regularly goes untreated as people believe it to be nothing serious. Lyme disease usually manifests in the form of a skin lesion accompanied by headache, fever, and fatigue. Sometimes it can also lead to nervous system problems, such as facial palsy, meningitis, and encephalitis. Heart problems and joint pain have also been reported.

Luft has already developed many treatments for Lyme disease, and has found that many patients don't respond well to antibiotics. ---

He blames the hardiness of Borrelia for the disease's persistence.' 


After the last debacle with vaccines do they know enough about this complex organism and our immune systems reaction to it to make a successful vaccine or are we building ourselves up for major health problems in the future?