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The Global Search for Education: In Search of Solutions - Ticks

The Global Search for Education: In Search of Solutions - Ticks 

"We in the US can learn from the Chinese approach by holding our own multidisciplinary scientific conferences, where researchers, clinicians and specialists come together with government officials to tackle this global epidemic." -- Richard Horowitz

To date in my "Ticks" series, we have learned from leading global experts that tick-borne illnesses (including Lyme disease) are possibly the most complicated and substantial global medical research challenges that exist today and that they threaten to dominate global health care tomorrow. Solutions are tough to find since the bacteria are difficult to diagnose and treat due to the complex multi-disciplinary approach often required.

International travel, global warming and tick migration are increasing the global incidence of these diseases. In many countries, governments and doctors are not sufficiently knowledgeable about the disease. Even when doctors are reasonably informed, guidelines for treatment remain globally controversial.