collecte section Bourgogne

Lyme Disease II: MS and Lyme, Cover-ups and Conspiracies

From Here & Back Again By Jim Coufal (Cazenovia, NY – Oct. 2014) Ebola continues to fill the news; Lyme disease is finally breaking into it. And the breakthrough brings startling and dishearten...

Lymphoadenopathy during Lyme Borreliosis Is Caused by Spirochete Migration-

Tick bite ruins a mother’s life

My face was paralysed by tick bite: Woman left in agony after being bitten in her own garden

Claire Dean has been left with Bell’s palsy and chronic fatigue syndrome after contracting Lyme disease

ME researchers discussing immune activation by pathogens including Borrelia.

 ME researchers discussing immune activation by pathogens including Borrelia.

A Virus Found In Lakes May Be Literally Changing The Way People Think

While conducting a totally separate experiment, a group of scientists from Johns Hopkins and the University of Nebraska accidentally discovered something...

Lyme gets some federal help

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said he will ask Gov. Andrew Cuomo to sign a state bill that passed this year to let physicians use long-term antibiotic therapy for patients with symptoms of chronic Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is getting some federal attention from Schumer, others

Lyme Carditis Can Cause Sudden Cardiac Death

Lyme disease might be a cause of cardiac symptoms in patients living in or visiting high-incidence areas and might contribute to sudden cardiac death, the CDC has warned healthcare providers.

11 Things That Can Make A Person With Lyme Disease Feel Worse Besides Treatment

It's a given that treatment for Lyme Disease itself can actually make a person feel worse than what they've been feeling physically and mentally from the disease...

Les petites bêtes les plus dangereuses pour l'homme

Une piqûre de tique passe souvent inaperçue. Or elle peut être dangereuse, puisque elle est susceptible de transmettre par exemple la bactérie Borrelia, responsable de la maladie de Lyme. Cette maladie grave peut toucher...



Cutting-edge intelligence on chronic bacterial infections with a focus on biofilms. Interviews...

Is this proof chronic fatigue DOES exist?

Scientists at Stanford University found three distinct differences in the brains of CFS patients, compared to healthy volunteers. They hope it will lead to better diagnosis and treatments.

WCHN Lyme disease registry created

4 Scary Realities of Having Chronic Lyme Disease

Halloween is the one time of the year where most people deliberately subject themselves to fallacious horror in order to conjure a good scare. A scare founded and supported on the knowledge that what...

Fatigue Not a Long-Term Problem After Early Lyme Disease

"Slicing away at the link between Lyme disease and chronic illness? A new study purports that chronic fatigue is not a long-term symptom for Lyme disease sufferers. But the study is self-validating in that it looks only at people who were diagnosed and treated early. IDSA Lyme guidelines author and chronic Lyme denialist Gary Wormser MD is behind the research. Do the study's results ring true in your experience?"
A new study challenges the widely held notion that fatigue is a common long-term consequence of early Lyme disease.

Signs & Symptoms of Advanced Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a potentially serious bacterial disease transmitted by tick bites. Although fairly easy to treat when caught in its early stages, Lyme disease can be a debilitating illness in advanced stages and treatment becomes increasingly...

Dana's Story

If you haven't seen this video of Dana's story get the tissues ready and recently the update is that she's pregnant again so check it out and be encouraged
August 2013 Music by "Phillip Phillips-Home", sound recording administered by: UMG

A novel iron- and copper-binding protein in the Lyme disease spirochaete.

Mol Microbiol. 2012 Dec;86(6):1441-51. doi: 10.1111/mmi.12068. Epub 2012 Nov 1. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

Lyme Disease is Spreading. Here's How to Protect Yourself

"Lyme disease is on the rise. According to researchers from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health in Toronto, Canada, Lyme disease incidence increased about 80% in the United States between 1993 and 2007. That’s a huge jump, and it’s being blamed to a large extent on climate change."
"Warming global temperatures are giving ticks, which carry the disease, more time to complete their life cycle and reach more northerly latitudes that used to be too cold for them."
(ALDA note: As climate change science is still in debate, the REAL story related to Lyme Disease is that the reported trend in warming temperatures are causing a dramatic increase in tick-borne diseases in some areas.
This should be BIG news for those who contend that Lyme Disease is only endemic in the northeast U.S. and is spreading to others parts of the country! This disparity in logic calls for an investigation and funding for research that will objectively study the incidence of the tick-borne diseases in ALL parts of the country, including the Southern U.S.)
Lyme disease is on the rise. According to researchers from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health in Toronto, Canada, lyme disease incidence increased...

Michelle , lyme disease

Lyme patients protest @ OHP Board Meeting 3303 S W Bond Ave, Portland

2014 Oregon Health Policy Board Meetings Meeting Location OHPB 11/4/2014 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. OHSU Center for Health & Healing 3303 SW Bond Ave. Portland,...

Cuomo: 'I want to sign the Lyme bill'

Gov. Andrew Cuomo expects to sign a Lyme disease bill later this year.

The Problem with LLMDs and What’s Really Ailing You? « The Tick Slayer- A Complete Lyme Disease...

People usually find me because they either suspect they have Lyme and they need to hear about recovery success OR they have been tested positive with it...

Inside The Mind Of A Person With Chronic Lyme Disease: The Loss And Distress Of Great...

If not presenting any empirical, physical symptoms of chronic Lyme Disease is troubling enough to convey a conviction, then any attempt to portray the symptoms of the mind of a person enduring...

Study finds brain abnormalities in chronic fatigue patients

Radiology researchers have discovered that the brains of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have diminished white matter and white matter abnormalities...

The Fatal Truth About Lyme Disease: What Everyone Should Know

You have heard, and will hear, it time and time again: “Lyme disease is cured with a few weeks of antibiotics.” If this is the case, why are hundreds of thousands –if...