collecte section Bourgogne

Chronically Carrye

In her most recent blog post, hard working volunteer Carrye Hodges discusses a common experience with many Lyme patients. Although she does find solace and comfort from her Lyme community support groups (Carrye started the ALDA patient support group) and a small number of family and friends, she is left feeling isolated and hurt by those close to her who refuse to believe the cause of her often debilitating symptoms are caused by Chronic Lyme Disease.
“When a doctor dismisses Lyme, you can shake your head and never return or see them again. When it is your family (or friends) you don’t necessarily have that luxury. It is a lot more personal. These people have known you a lot longer, have seen you grow up and been with you in many stages of life. They see your successes and failures. They are supposed to be your support system and cheer you on in your journey of life. They see how many years this disease has consumed your life.”