collecte section Bourgogne

Lymies Worldwide, this is the very beginning of another BIG thing

There are 2 photo campaigns which have begun in the last week, 1 in Europe and 1 in the USA - -
This 3rd one below is the one meant to join up the whole world and will be shared on all the Worldwide Protest groups' pages.

Lymies Worldwide, this is the very beginning of another BIG thing. We hope so at least. We invite you to post your photo in this album on our G+ site, together with your story (if you wish). Our goal is at least thousands and at best a million photos in that album (or in several albums on our page there if there's a posting limit), photos from the whole world, from every country. This is our latest way to simply, from our homes, illustrate the problem and try to bring about change. Help us spread the news around the globe, add your pic....

1. Click this link
2. Click "Add Photo" on the top right.
3. upload your picture then in the comment section under your picture, add your story or a link to your story if it's on a blog.

Try it out and tell us how you like it. Was it easy enough? Any suggestions or feedback?

This is International, we want faces from all over the world!