collecte section Bourgogne

Feeling Worse in the Heat With Chronic Lyme Disease

in the heat some with lyme disease feel worse....
"When the body is heated up, the fat cells inside the body also heat up, and the toxins they contain are then released back into the bloodstream. According to Dr. Marty Ross, MD of, 20% of those toxins released from fat cells will be excreted through the skin as sweat.
The other 80% of toxins reenter the bloodstream which eventually find their way to the liver once more in hopes of finally being detoxified, but won't, because a proper support of the body's natural detoxification pathways has not equally reciprocated a person's original treatment objective - just kill the bacteria. This is when a person begins to feel bad from a heated body.
A person with chronic Lyme who feels worse when their body is heated up could have very likely tolerated high temperatures in the beginning of their Lyme disease treatment, but towards the latter part of their treatment, heating up their body with a shower or a 90 degree day causes them to feel worse.
This phenomenon is essentially a build up of toxins within the body during the course of treating chronic Lyme disease due to the body's overtaxed and under-supported detoxification system. If the toxins aren't coming out, they're staying in, and make themselves known they will.
On a side note, it's important to realize that the constant storage and release of toxins due to poor detoxification may give a person with chronic Lyme disease the illusion they can't get better no matter what they do. Nearly all Lyme disease symptoms are caused by the cytokines (def. of cytokines....…) the immune system releases in response to the toxins released in a herxheimer reaction.
The symptoms a person continues to experience and can't seem to shake may not be from a great bacterial load, but from the toxins released from herxheimer reactions long ago that never left the body -- detox!"
To put it simply, some people with chronic Lyme disease feel worse when their body is heated -- even to a temperature degree people that don't have chronic Lyme disease think nothing of. They...