collecte section Bourgogne
This is not rare, it happens to kids all the time. Kids love to play in the outdoors where the ticks are waiting for a host to come along so they can feed.

L’image contient peut-être : une personne ou plus et gros plan

Un médecin réputé raconte à quel point la crise du Covid-19 a été un désastre sanitaire.

Je vous conseille de l'acheter

Vous croyez savoir ce qui s'est passé ?
Un médecin réputé raconte à quel point la crise du Covid-19 a été un désastre sanitaire.
Le président ? Le premier ministre ? Les ministres de la santé ? Les experts ? Ils n'ont rien vu venir.
Plus grave : certains savaient.
Un témoignage féroce, incontestable, inquiétant.
Un livre nécessaire sur tout ce qui n'a pas été dit.

Le Professeur Christian Perronne est aujourd'hui chef du service des maladies infectieuses de l'hôpital de Garches. Pendant quinze ans, il a été l'un des principaux conseillers en matière de santé publique de plusieurs gouvernements. Il est l'auteur de La vérité sur la maladie de Lyme.

Lyme disease can be fatally misdiagnosed because of its huge range of symptoms, say scientists Failing to spot the condition could risk death.

A 37-year-old man dies from Lyme carditis after his symptoms are dismissed as a viral flu-like illness.
"Unfortunately, diagnosis can be delayed while serology is being processed, and clinical suspicion should guide empiric treatment."
The man initially complained of a fever, sore throat and joint pain. He had been exposed to ticks but did not recall a tick bite. Several weeks later, he was rushed to the hospital with heart palpitations, shortness of breath and chest discomfort.
To read a Lyme Science blog on this topic: "Patients die when Lyme carditis is not treated," click here:…/

Que faire si mon enfant s'est fait mordre par une tique ?



Ain : un foyer de cas d'encéphalite à tiques détecté


Quand la maladie de Lyme s’attaque au cœur

Samuel Brandt souriant entouré des ses soeurs.

HOW I SURVIVED LYME DISEASE by Nicola Lavin - Tick Talk Ireland

Bitten in the Summer of 2000 as a student, Nicola Lavin tells her story in her blog, a Tick Bite that took many years to diagnose & treat,

Une enfant paralysée après avoir été mordue par une tique

A must read for those with chronic fatigue syndrome and clinicians who want to treat cause rather than symptom.#ME/CFS

Tim Roberts

A must read for those with chronic fatigue syndrome and clinicians who want to treat cause rather than symptom.#ME/CFS

This latest publication by Cecile Jadin (The Crazy Journey of a Medical Chameleon by Cecile Jadin 2019) brings to our attention the important learnings in clinical microbiology and pathology previously described in vivid detail in medical journals that are now obscure to the modern medical curricula and overlooked by the modern search engines. This is the life-work of an experienced and brilliant clinician written through the eyes of an artist with a classical education, and draws on Jadin’s earliest life experiences living in the African jungle collecting ticks for her father Jean-Baptiste Jadin’s ground breaking work on insect-transmitted parasitic disease. Jadin the senior, along with his colleagues Charles Nicolle, Paul Giraud, Philippe Bottero, Hans Zinsser, published a litany of scientific and clinical papers that stressed the multiple clinical outcomes from intracellular microbial infections with the organisms we now know as rickettsia, chlamydia and mycoplasma, ehrlichia, anaplasma, and wollbachia. Jadin the younger unlocks these findings to open new treatments for chronic disease.
In this fascinating book Cecile Jadin takes us through the lives of 24 patients as their diverse symptoms and diagnoses eventually lead to their passing. Through their heart-wrenching clinical journeys Jadin drives hard her thesis of underlying infection as the unifying factor that should be searched for and treated. She uses the analogy of a chameleon to draw to our attention the underlying infection masking at each turning point in the pathology of the individual a modern diagnosis based on signs and symptoms, but ignoring the possibility of underlying chronic infection. The allegory, the illusions, the painted word pictures that draw on a schooling in the classics are at times hard to follow but the journey is one that should be made by all of us who need to be reminded of the many different pathologies that can arise from an intracellular parasite. Modern medicine is currently being taught this same lesson as the corona virus pandemic reveals the many different pathologies the virus can induce in the young, the compromised and the elderly. Our specialists rarely leave their specialization. Their strongly held clinical treatments that treat symptoms and repair damage with little concern for underlying causation are the underlying target of Jadin’s angst.

For those of us who find that time to read from cover to cover is limited and rare, I recommend starting the book at the Epilogue, because it is here that the true message of this brilliant clinician is encapsulated in just a few pages. Then to the Prologue which delightfully and concisely sets the direction before one plunges into the colourful and evocative clinical histories of some of her patients. For those clinicians and patients who read this impressive work from cover to cover, it is Prologue and Epilogue that should then be read a second time to truly appreciate the greatness of clinical wisdom that lies in the wildly active brain of Dr Cecile Jadin.

Lyme Disease Awareness Month: Author Amy Tan says severity of symptoms left her unable to think or write

Neurological Lyme disease is real and can be very debilitating

“Brave Kirsty has given us this clip, to show you how bad Lyme disease can feel when left untreated. LYME PAIN HURTS!! Please take notice. STOP the LYME DENIIAL NOW

Lyme disease Awareness Month.

Sarthe. Attention aux piqûres de tiques


Lyme Disease Awareness Month: Kris Kristofferson was misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's, memory loss was due to ticks

Persistent symptoms can be multi-system and debilitating, and include severe fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, cardiac complications, neurologic symptoms, and cognitive problems.

Lost to Lyme Stories, please submit yours to be added

Lost to Lyme Stories, please submit yours to be added

Mum's fears over tick bites after son got brain infection following park visit

Keeping up the awareness, this was my family's story last year, pictures are my children who I had to repeatedly remove ticks from after living in an area for many years without a tick proble( North Wales) Public health Wales still yet to acknowledge a problem!! . 2019 saw over 25 people on one road receiving bites, we had 3 confirmed cases of Lyme and over 100 ticks removed over the spring/summer season. Unfortunelty William didn't respond well instantly to antibiotics but I wouldn't give up!!! He's fully recovered after a long 12 months he walks and runs well and a behavioural problems due to brain inflammation have now settled.

People and I mean those without Lyme disease should really understand that bio weapons are not just a conspiracy theory

Lyme Awareness Month💚

New Study Shows Less Than One-Third of Lyme Disease Test Results are Accurate for Patients with Lyme Rash

Ticks Found To Carry Virus Worse Than Lyme Disease

Ticks Found To Carry Virus Worse Than Lyme Disease: CBS NEW YORK

Why Lyme disease patients could be at a higher risk for severe infection should they contract the novel coronavirus, according to an expert.