collecte section Bourgogne

Pathogens Manipulating Tick Behavior—Through a Glass, Darkly

 from dr Horowitz
Tick borne infections not only change your life, but the life and behavior of ticks:
"As a general trend, being infected by Borrelia and TBEV boosts tick mobility (both questing and walking activity). Borrelia and Anaplasma infection magnifies Ixodes desiccation
resistance, triggering physiological changes (Borrelia: higher fat reserves; Anaplasma: synthesis of heat shock proteins). Anaplasma infection also improves cold resistance in infected ticks through synthesis of an antifreeze glycoprotein. Being infected by Anaplasma, Borrelia and Babesia leads to increased ticksurvival and Borrelia, Babesia and Bartonella infection facilitates blood engorgement".
This is why an anti-tick vaccine, not just against one organism, but one that would cover a broad range of bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases makes the most sense. It was discussed years ago by major researchers, and then mysteriously faded from view. That is a true shame. The double dose dapsone protocol has been working for many with Lyme, but is not as effective when co-infected with active Babesia and Bartonella. We need to prevent exposure to co-infections just as we need to protect against Lyme. The death rates from an infection with Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, rickettsial species and Powassan can range from 1% to 10-15%. 
Always remember to use tick and mosquito prevention when going outside. It may save your life.
Pathogens Manipulating Tick Behavior—Through a Glass, Darkly
Pathogens Manipulating Tick Behavior—Through a Glass, Darkly


Matt Dawson health: Rugby star underwent heart surgery after being bitten - symptoms

UK rugby star undergoes heart surgery after being bitten by a tick and diagnosed with Lyme disease.
"It was a really scary time for me and my family. Such a tiny creature caused me to end up needing heart surgery."
Matt Dawson health: Rugby star underwent heart surgery after being bitten - symptoms
Matt Dawson health: Rugby star underwent heart surgery after being bitten - symptoms


Maladie de Lyme, prise en charge menacée à Lannemezan


Maladie de Lyme, prise en charge menacée à Lannemezan

Une décision de la directrice de l'hôpital de Lannemezan met en danger la prise en charge de la maladie de Lyme dans la région de Tarbes à Toulouse

Le 14 août 2020, Mme Gayrard, directrice de l'hôpital de Lannemezan, a informé le Dr Ghozzi qu'il était relevé de ses fonctions de responsable de l'unité fonctionnelle de médecine interne et polyvalente de l'hôpital. Elle n'a donné aucune justification à cette décision.
Outre sa responsabilité dans ce service, le Dr Ghozzi est aussi référent d'un Centre de Compétence pour la maladie de Lyme qui reste à organiser sur la structure existante du service de médecine interne des hôpitaux de Lannemezan.

En juillet 2019, la création de 5 Centres de Référence (CR) a été décidée au niveau national dans le cadre du Plan national de prévention et de lutte contre la maladie de Lyme. Ces CR doivent travailler en lien avec les Centres de Compétence (CC) hospitaliers de la zone. Les CC ont la responsabilité de la prise en charge des cas complexes de maladie de Lyme, c’est-à-dire les cas non résolus par une première prise en charge.
Le 1er janvier 2020, l'hôpital de Lannemezan a été reconnu comme CC pour un bassin allant de Tarbes à Toulouse, incluant le Gers, le Lot, le Tarn, le Tarn et Garonne et l’Ariège. Cependant, aucune dotation spécifique n'est attribuée aux CC, qui doivent s'appuyer sur le service hospitalier dans lequel exerce le référent du CC et le renforcer.

Actuellement, le CC de Lannemezan s'appuie sur le service de médecine interne de l'hôpital, impliquant une vingtaine de personnels soignants pour autant de lits d’hospitalisation. Son budget consolidé peut être estimé à 10 millions € par an.
Si la décision de Mme Gayrard était maintenue, le CC de Lannemezan s'appuierait désormais sur une structure extrêmement réduite, dépourvu de lit, donc sans capacité réelle et directe d'hospitalisation prolongée, et dont le personnel hospitalier ne comprendrait pour le moment qu’un seul agent médical et un personnel paramédical réduit. Soit un budget consolidé environ 50 fois plus faible que celui du service de médecine interne et polyvalente jusque-là dirigé par le Dr. Ghozzi.

Dans de telles conditions, le CC de Lannemezan devra réduire son activité du même ordre de grandeur.

La décision de Mme Gayrard reviendrait donc à une quasi-cessation d'activité de ce Centre de Compétence Lyme, ainsi qu’à un affaiblissement du service de médecine interne avec de lourdes conséquences sur la prise en charge des patients souffrant de la maladie de Lyme, mais aussi d’autres pathologies complexes, dans la zone couverte par l’hôpital de Lannemezan.

La loi « Hôpital, Patients, Santé et Territoires » du 21 juillet 2009, dite loi Bachelot, prévoit la procédure de retrait d’emploi dans l’intérêt du service. Cela signifie que les réorganisations internes peuvent être décidées par le chef d'établissement, mais elles doivent être réalisées en vue de l'intérêt général de l'établissement et de la population.

Étant donné les conséquences inévitables de la décision de Mme Gayrard sur la prise en charge des patients souffrant de la maladie de Lyme, il importe que soit explicité en quoi sa décision concernant le Dr Ghozzi est effectivement dans l'intérêt du fonctionnement du service de médecine interne de l'hôpital, et dans celui de la prise en charge des cas complexes de maladie de Lyme.

Pour pouvoir maintenir cette décision concernant une problématique majeure de santé publique, Mme Gayrard devra en démontrer le bénéfice aux autorités compétentes (Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, Agence Régionale de Santé), à la Commission Médicale d'Établissement, et, bien entendu, au médecin concerné par cette décision, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des associations de patients, chercheurs et médecins qui apportent leur soutien au Dr Raouf Ghozzi.

Le Conseil d’Administration de la FFMVT



Chronic Lyme disease is a rare, but serious condition — here's how to know if you have it


Dr. Richard Horowitz
Is Chronic Lyme disease/PTLDS really a rare condition? Over 300,000 Americans get exposed to year (CDC figures), and approximately 2 million individuals suffer from PTLDS (DeLong, A.; Hsu, M.; Kotsoris, H. Estimation of cumulative number of post-treatment Lyme disease cases in the US, 2016 and 2020. BMC Public Health 2019, 19, 352).
That is not including those diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E., or Fibromyalgia (up to 5% of the US population, i.e., 17 million individuals) who have the same symptoms as chronic Lyme disease: fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, headaches, cognitive difficulties, sleep disruption and dysautonomia). Knowing that antibody tests can miss up to roughly 40-50% of patients, that could theoretically be another 8 million people suffering.
But wait. Then there are the 23 million Americans with autoimmune illness in the US, and borrelia combined with environmental toxins (mercury, asbestos, small particle pollution, BPA..) can cause autoimmune manifestations. We have seen patients come in with a diagnosis of 'seronegative rheumatoid arthritis or MS, and it turned out it was Lyme-MSIDS. Could a few more million Americans have Lyme and associated diseases?
And what about the 46.5 million Americans with pre-clinical dementia? Lyme, other infections and environmental toxins can cause dementia (Miklossy, J.; Kasas, S.; Zurn, A.D.; McCall, S.; Yu, S.; McGeer, P.L. Persisting atypical and cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferiand local inflammation in Lyme neuroborreliosis. J. Neuroinflammation 2008. 5, 40). Perhaps at least 10 million of those Americans (conservatively) have borreliosis. So is chronic Lyme and PTLDS really rare?
Lyme is the great imitator. Until someone at the top of our health care system decides to shift the paradigm and look at a multifactorial model of chronic illness (Horowitz, R.I.; Freeman, P.R. Precision Medicine: The Role of the MSIDS Model in Defining, Diagnosing, and Treating Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome and Other Chronic Illness: Part 2. Healthcare 2018, 6, 129), we will continue to name diseases and throw drugs at them. Leading to over 50% of Americans having at least one chronic illness (this is a sobering statistic) with health care costs rising each year. I would suggest based on my experience of treating over 13,000 chronically ill patients over the past 30 years that a better approach would be to look at multiple causes of inflammation and their downstream effects (the MSIDS model). Then and only then, mixed with true compassion for people's suffering, will we be able to make significant advances in medicine and once and for all, solve the mystery of Lyme and chronic disease. Oh wait. That was the title of my first book published 7 years ago.
NY Times Science Best Seller: Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease. Dr Richard I. Horowitz. St Martin’s Press, NYC. Publication date November 2013
HC ISBN-13: 978-1-250-01940-0
ISBN-10: 1-250-01940-0
6 1/8 9 ¼ ● 526 pages
EISBN-13: 978-1-250-03848-7
Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of Dr Richard Horowitz, and do not represent the views of the Tick-Borne Disease Working Group, HHS or the United States
Also, there are several additions and clarifications I would add to this article. The HMQ is a validated symptom questionnaire to help diagnose chronic Lyme/PTLDS (Empirical Validation of the Horowitz Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome Questionnaire for Suspected Lyme Dis-ease. Maryalice Citera1¶*, Ph.D., Phyllis R. Freeman2¶, Ph.D., Richard I. Horowitz2¶, M.D., International Journal of General Medicine 2017:10 249–273), the immune system is affected in Lyme (Horowitz, R.I.; Freeman, P.R. Precision Medicine: The Role of the MSIDS Model in Defining, Diagnosing, and Treating Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome and Other Chronic Illness: Part 2. Healthcare 2018, 6, 129),
and persister drug regimens like dapsone have already been shown to be effective in relieving 8 major Lyme symptoms in 300 patients in two separate retrospective studies (Horowitz RI, Freeman PR (2016) Are Mycobacterium Drugs Effective for Treatment Resistant Lyme Disease, Tick-Borne Co-Infections, and Autoimmune Disease?. JSM Arthritis 1(2): 1008.
Horowitz RI, Freeman PR (2016) The Use of Dapsone as a Novel “Persister” Drug in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Dis-ease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 7: 345,
Horowitz, R.I.; Freeman, P.R. Precision Medicine: retrospective chart review and data analysis of 200 patients on dapsone
combination therapy for chronic Lyme disease/post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome: part 1. International Journal of General Medicine 2019:12 101–119)
The debate in medicine on whether Lyme is chronic has been going on for approximately 40 years. The only way to get past this stalemate, which hurts hundreds of thousands of patients per year, is to do a randomized, blinded, placebo controlled trial with persister drugs like dapsone and disulfiram. I have seen them work when traditional antibiotics fail (I'm writing up a new study as we speak). Is it really impossible between all the Lyme groups and government money going towards tick-borne research, that we can't come up with several million dollars to do this study and put the debate to rest? That would be my hope before the third round of the HHS TBDWG comes to a close.
Chronic Lyme disease is a rare, but serious condition — here's how to know if you have it
Chronic Lyme disease is a rare, but serious condition — here's how to know if you have it
Chronic Lyme disease is a rare, but serious condition — here's how to know if you have it
Chronic Lyme disease is when symptoms of Ly

SOUTIEN AU DOCTEUR RAOUF GHOZZI ! plesase sign our petition

Rappel; il est urgent que les malades de Lyme et leurs proches signent cette pétition. L'enjeu est primordial. Il faut que chacun se mobilise , ce n'est pas anecdotique, alors, signez et faites signer dès ce soir:



Vendredi 14 août au matin, jour de son départ en congés, le Dr. Raouf Ghozzi, médecin interniste, responsable depuis bientôt 10 ans de l’Unité fonctionnelle de médecine générale des Hôpitaux de Lannemezan (65), Président de la Fédération Française contre les Maladies Vectorielles à Tiques et responsable d’un Centre de compétence pour les maladies vectorielles à tiques, a été convoqué par Mme Gayrard, Directrice de l’hôpital, qui lui a tendu un courrier le relevant de sa responsabilité l’Unité fonctionnelle.

Le Dr. Ghozzi a naturellement refusé de réceptionner ce courrier, demandant en retour s’il avait commis des fautes, ou s’il existait des manquements dans le fonctionnement du Service de médecine générale. Aucun élément, aucune motivation, n’a pu être avancé par l’administratrice.

Rappelons que le Dr. Ghozzi est l’un des principaux interlocuteurs des instances de l’État, s’agissant de l’épidémie de maladies vectorielles à tiques, notamment pour la maladie de Lyme et ses co-infections responsables de syndromes infectieux persistants pour lesquels il n’existe toujours pas en France de tests ni de prise en charge satisfaisants. Ainsi, intervient-il auprès de la Haute Autorité de Santé, de la Direction Générale de la Santé, de l’Assemblée Nationale, ou encore du Sénat.

En s’attaquant à l’un des médecins les plus en vue dans la réflexion sur la maladie de Lyme, on affaiblit considérablement, et de façon incompréhensible, le dispositif de lutte contre cette maladie et la prise en charge des patients atteints de cette pathologie particulièrement complexe.

Les signataires, patients, familles de patients, médecins, chercheurs et toutes personnes concernées par la sévérité de cette maladie, demandent expressément le maintien du Dr. Raouf Ghozzi dans ses fonctions de responsable de l’Unité fonctionnelle de médecine générale des Hôpitaux de Lannemezan.

Associations signataires :
Autan-Tique Lyme
Enfance Lyme and Co.
Fédération Française contre les Maladies Vectorielles à Tiques
France Lyme
Relais de Lyme
Vaincre Lyme

P.S. de la FFMVT : Nous appelons tous les malades de Lyme à transmettre leurs témoignages au siège de la Fédération Française des Maladies Vectorielles à Tiques à : Nous les ferons parvenir aux Instances de santé, en même temps que les résultats de la pétition. Merci.


Seventy Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome Publications Ignore Infection whereas There is compelling evidence that persistent Lyme infection can cause debilitating and disabling symptoms and even death.


Une innovation pour éloigner les tiques




Here is an example of a poorly written article in a major medical journal that misinforms health care practitioners about Lyme disease.


Here is an example of a poorly written article in a major medical journal that misinforms health care practitioners about Lyme disease. My response?

Most patients DO NOT get an EM rash. More than half do not look like a bulls-eye. Ticks can transmit multiple infections if they have had partial feeding and can transmit infections in as little as 5-15 minutes (Relapsing fever, rickettsia, Powassan v.). Disseminated LD requires more than 21 days of antibiotics, especially if there is peripheral nervous system or central nervous system involvement.
This type of article, which regurgitates the same misinformation we have been listening to for decades, is part of the reason so many get ill. Here are the scientific assertions and references backing up my assertions (excerpted from an article I am working on):

Tick bites can result in a wide variety of illnesses with diverse clinical manifestations. These can range from asymptomatic early presentations of an erythema migrans rash (EM), to symptoms resembling viral prodromes with fevers, sore throats, swollen glands, and headaches followed by the acute onset of a fatiguing, musculoskeletal illness with neuropsychiatric manifestations (15) . Malarial-type presentations with drenching sweats, chills, flushing, and cough with respiratory distress with or without hemolytic anemia can be associated with babesiosis (16), while gastrointestinal manifestations with transaminitis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea can be seen with tick-borne diseases including LD, RF, BMD, HGA, HME, RMSF, Q-fever, tularemia and POWv (17 18 19 20). Acute onset of neurological symptoms can be seen with most tick-borne diseases (LD, RF, BMD, HGA, HGE, RMSF, Q-fever, tularemia, babesiosis, POWv, TBEV) (21 22 23 24), while neuroinvasive POWv can result in particularly severe central nervous system manifestations with a meningitis and encephalitis occurring after an initial febrile illness with a sore throat, drowsiness, headache and disorientation (16).
The truth is much more complex and nuanced than discussed in the BMJ article and co-infections are a major player in many with symptoms of chronic LD.

15. Bratton RL, Whiteside JW, Hovan MJ, Engle RL, Edwards FD. Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008;83(5):566-571.
16. Policy (OIDP) O of ID and H. Babesiosis and Tick-Borne Pathogens Subcom Report to the TBDWG. Published January 23, 2020. Accessed March 1, 2020.
17. Horowitz HW, Dworkin B, Forseter G, et al. Liver function in early Lyme disease. Hepatol Baltim Md. 1996;23(6):1412-1417.
18. Zaidi SA, Singer C. Gastrointestinal and hepatic manifestations of tickborne diseases in the United States. Clin Infect Dis Off Publ Infect Dis Soc Am. 2002;34(9):1206-1212.
19. Telford SR, Goethert HK, Molloy P, et al. Borrelia miyamotoi disease (BMD): Neither Lyme disease nor relapsing fever. Clin Lab Med. 2015;35(4):867-882.
20. Fatmi SS, Zehra R, Carpenter DO. Powassan Virus—A New Reemerging Tick-Borne Disease. Front Public Health. 2017;5.
21. Bransfield RC, Aidlen DM, Cook MJ, Javia S. A Clinical Diagnostic System for Late-Stage Neuropsychiatric Lyme Borreliosis Based upon an Analysis of 100 Patients. Healthcare. 2020;8(1):13.
22. Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy AS for H (ASH). Report of Other TBDS and Co-Infections Subcommittee. Published May 9, 2018. Accessed May 21, 2018.
23. Kofteridis DP, Mazokopakis EE, Tselentis Y, Gikas A. Neurological complications of acute Q fever infection. Eur J Epidemiol. 2004;19(11):1051-1054.
24. Usmani-Brown S, Halperin JJ, Krause PJ. Neurological manifestations of human babesiosis. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;114:199-203.
### What you need to know A 14 year old boy presents with a one week history of a rash behind his knee. He has recently been on a hiking holiday to the Scottish Highlands, where he had a tick bite. His mother is worried…
### What you need to know A 14 year old boy presents with a one week history of a rash behind his knee. He has recently been on a hiking holiday to the Scottish Highlands, where he had a tick bite. His mother is worried about Lyme disease. Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is caused by Borrelia burgdo...

Climate change can have other impacts on zoonotic disease transmission

 from Dr. Richard Horowitz

Many individuals have speculated on how and why COVID-19 arose, causing such widespread suffering. A report released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) last month makes the case for focusing on the causes of pandemics instead of just treating the diseases as they emerge.

"Three-quarters of emerging illnesses come from animals and a new report identifies climate change as a primary driver of many of them....insects are exquisitely sensitive to environmental changes," said Akselrod, pointing out that Lyme disease is another zoonosis that shows signs of a climate change-driven spread. As the world warms, ticks have moved northward from New England into Canada".

"Climate change can have other impacts on zoonotic disease transmission, Randolph said. It "makes people more vulnerable, and more vulnerable people are poorer and less able to seek and pay for health care and to take good good care of themselves and their children...history clearly shows this trend...the people who don't have access to resources to control their surroundings and their own lives have been on the deep end of every epidemic through the ages," she said."

If we are to protect ourselves and our loved ones from future pandemics, we must focus on the causes. The increase in Lyme disease and TBD's have been proven to be related to changes in our climate. That was the basis of Mary Beth Pfeiffer's book "Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change". If new viruses emerge in the future (and they will) we must also focus on the biology/biochemistry of how viruses affect the body.

We can not shut down economies and funnel billions of dollars into vaccine development each time a new virus appears. Viruses like COVID enter the body through ACE2 receptors and turn on the viral machinery through oxidative stress. The nutritional supplements like NAC and glutathione discussed in my two publications have disulfide bonds that may help slow viral entry into the cells and help suppress oxidative stress and cytokine formation, shutting down the virus (based on prior published scientific research). Here are a few resources:
1. Evidence for antiviral activity of glutathione: in vitro inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 1 replication. Palamara AT, et al.
Antiviral Res. 1995 Jun;27(3):237-53
2. Antiviral and immunomodulatory properties of new pro-glutathione (GSH) molecules. Fraternale A, et al. Curr Med Chem 2006
3. GSH and analogs in antiviral therapy. Fraternale A, et al.
Mol Aspects Med. 2009 Feb-Apr;30(1-2):99-110. doi: 10.1016/j.mam.2008.09.001. Epub 2008 Sep 27

Wouldn't it make more sense to look at the biology of viruses and find common denominators to shut them down? Doesn't it make sense to get to the causes of how these epidemics and pandemics arise?