collecte section Bourgogne

New Brunswick monitoring more than 40 cases of unknown neurological disease


Possible new prion disease suspected in Canada after cluster of deadly brain atrophy cases.
Public Health is closely monitoring a cluster of more than 40 New Brunswick patients with symptoms similar to those of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare and fatal brain disease.
In an internal memo obtained by Radio-Canada, sent on March 5 by the office of the chief medical officer of health to the New Brunswick Medical Society and to associations of doctors and nurses, the department notes the existence of a cluster of 42 cases of a progressive neurological syndrome of unknown origin.
A first case was diagnosed in 2015, according to the memo. Three years later, in 2019, 11 additional cases were discovered, with 24 more cases discovered in 2020 and another six cases in 2021. Five people have died.
New Brunswick monitoring more than 40 cases of unknown neurological disease | CBC News
New Brunswick monitoring more than 40 cases of unknown neurological disease | CBC News

Neuro-Lyme is like hitting my head against a fog wall

It’s so hard to explain to someone else without sounding like you’ve lost your mind."Neuro-Lyme is like hitting my head against a fog wall


A young man reflects how to live a fulfilling life while grappling with the challenges of chronic Lyme disease.

Lessons I’ve learned in 7 years with Lyme disease

Sophia Popov ou la resurrection

 Peut être une image de 1 personnePeut être une image de 1 personne

Peut être une image de plein air et texte qui dit ’SOPHIA POPOV «< JE ME RÉPÉTAIS "CONTINUE DE JOUER ΤΟΝ JEU ET PERSONNE NE TE BATTRA." C'ÉTAIT ANCRÉ EN MOI) Sophia Popov résisté la maladie de Lyme et un destin contraire remporter l'été dernie British Open. Une surprise totale signée d'une joueuse ans anonyme, qui nous expliqué en novembre dernier on conte de fees.’Peut être une image de 1 personne, position debout et texte qui dit ’JOURNALDU GOLF 021- EUROS OFFERT PAR VOTRI LUB SPÉCIAL MATÉRIEL SUIVEZ LE GUIDE Les conseils d'Antoine Rozner Interview de Sophia Popov, la miraculée Inside dans a bulle du Tour’

Read excerpt of "Chronic," long-awaited book by Phillips and Parish "Chronic: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmu


This excerpt of "Chronic" discusses the myths about persistent symptoms of #Lyme disease that have been foisted upon the patient community.
TOUCHED BY LYME: Read excerpt of "Chronic," long-awaited book by Phillips and Parish
TOUCHED BY LYME: Read excerpt of "Chronic," long-awaited book by Phillips and Parish
"Chronic: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmu

Deaf woman with Lyme: "No time for anyone who does not believe me"


"Too many symptoms to be Lyme." Wait, what?
Deaf woman with Lyme: "No time for anyone who does not believe me"
Deaf woman with Lyme: "No time for anyone who does not believe me"

Woman loses part of her vision after being 'scratched by a CAT'

Cat scratch disease = Bartonella.
But she wasn't scratched by a cat... she can't remember being scratched, and doesn't keep a cat. They just presume she must have been scratched....
Bartonella, in at least 13 different strains, is everywhere, in fleas, ticks, mites, and spiders. No one knows how to treat it once it's gone past the acute stage. It's probably a co-infection in many Lyme disease patients. It predisposes people to cancer too.

Woman loses part of her vision after being 'scratched by a CAT' | Par DAILY MAIL
Woman loses part of her vision after being 'scratched by a CAT'





France Lyme, Association de lutte contre les maladies à tiques


Association France Lyme - Association de lutte contre les maladies vectorielles à tiques
Association France Lyme - Association de lutte contre les maladies vectorielles à tiques

Louise, atteinte de la maladie de Lyme : "Etre sous morphine à 33 ans, ce n'est pas ce dont je rêvais"

 Il n'y a aucun plaisir des malades à devoir aller à l'étranger ou créer des cagnottes en ligne pour se faire soigner. SOIGNER, comme prendre soin, pas guérir ! Nous aussi, nous avons besoin d'aide