collecte section Bourgogne

Researchers have breakthrough on how persistent bacteria avoid antibiotics

What Is Lyme Disease? [Infographic] - Living Green Magazine

"Beautiful Lyme Warrior" , so sad to hear these terrible news ; RIP

"Beautiful Lyme Warrior" See her smile through all the tears Hear her laughter hide all her fears Take a deeper look inside And see all the pain she tried to hide Look to her heart and you'll see a scar Look even deeper to see it wound and mar But she never told you- No she didn't complain She did her best to hide her pain But the battles she fought daily within Slowly took over and started to win And now for her we sadly will pine For this beautiful warrior was no match for lyme Don't judge outwardly by the smile on a face For a person can still be in a very bad place A smile can hide a shattered heart While inside it can be falling apart See this beautiful warrior lay down her sword With nary a whimper or a sigh And then she quietly closed her eyes And gave her final battle cry RIP Lee Ann Cisco - December 30, 2014 Written by: Laura Johns Moore 

Jordan Fisher Smith and dogsled racer Lars Monsen in reality TV show "Lars and the Dogs." Episode covers Lars's battle with LYME DISEASE while competing in long-distance dogsled races. Jordan (who was featured in Under Our Skin) says Norwegian Lyme victims are in far worse shape than American ones.

From Norway: Jordan Fisher Smith and dogsled racer Lars Monsen in reality TV show "Lars and the Dogs." Episode covers Lars's battle with LYME DISEASE while competing in long-distance dogsled races. Jordan (who was featured in Under Our Skin) says Norwegian Lyme victims are in far worse shape than American ones.

Please consider a Charitable Donation to the Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme Pathology Research Foundation.[Dr. Paul H. Duray MD Research Fellowship Endowment]

A new foundation devoted to Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme and borreliosiis Human Nervous system diseases has been established

A new foundation devoted to Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme and borreliosiis Human Nervous system diseases
has been established.[/size][/b]
Goal: to Prove from Pathology Study of Multiple Sclerosis Autopsy Brain tissues with DNA probes
which specifically bind unique DNa of Borrelia spirochetes, that the demyelintion disease 
of Multiple Sclerosis is CAUSED by borrelia sprochetal infections.
Foundation support: Tax exempt contibutions are gladly recieved in ANY amount
and all donated monies are distributed to Pathologists and researchers with Microscopes
with an interest in Multiple Sclerosis.
Methods: DNA probes specific for binding to DNA of Borrelia and excluding all other DNa
will be used in creating microscopic slides for Study and for photography to document
the presence of Borrelia spirochetes in Multiple Scleosis brain tissue. Spinal cord tissue
is also being recruited for study.
Scope of research colaboration: DNa probes and a research protocol along with positive an negative
borrelia spirochete control DNA will be disributed free of charge to qualifyiine investigators.
Historical background for the connection of Multiple Sclerosis with Chronic Spirochetal Infection of
the human nervous system: A detailed bibliography (13 pages of published references from the
National Library of Medicine ; "multiple Sclerosis, borrelia, spirochetes" is posted on the
foundation website; 
Already published images of borrelia brain and spinal fluid infections and Multiple sclerosis:
{ select images }
NCMC Multiple sclerosis autopsy brain with Warthin starry spiirochete Annottated with Arrows.jpg
MacDonald AB year 1986 borrelia spirochete in Multiple Sclerosis Autopsy Plaque
NCMC Multiple sclerosis autopsy brain with Warthin starry spiirochete Annottated with Arrows.jpg (269.66 KiB) Viewed 65 times

Cystic spirochete from MS brain europe.jpg
Cystic borrelia in brain in multiple sclerosis plaque
Cystic spirochete from MS brain europe.jpg (112.42 KiB) Viewed 65 times

Multiple Sclerosis Plaques show spirochetes with bulboslities.jpg
European study of Multiple Sclerosis showing Spirochetes in MS plaques
Multiple Sclerosis Plaques show spirochetes with bulboslities.jpg (106.86 KiB) Viewed 65 times

Address for Donors:

The Dr Paul H. Duray MD Fellowship Foundation Endowment
Care of:
Alan B.MacDonald MD , FCAP,FASCP
8427 Benelli court
Naples, Florida, 34114, USA
tel 1=239-592-4353

AAEP Researchers Discuss Lyme Disease in Horses

Création de l'association Sauver Mathieu, Etant sans solution thérapeutique en France à ce jour et dans un état de santé préoccupant, Mathieu est dans l'obligation de se rendre à New-York voir un des meilleurs professeurs au monde sur la maladie de Lyme. Création de l'association Sauver Mathieu, Etant sans solution thérapeutique en France à ce jour et dans un état de santé préoccupant, Mathieu est dans l'obligation de se rendre à New-York voir un des meilleurs professeurs au monde sur la maladie de Lyme. Création de l'association Sauver Mathieu, Etant sans solution thérapeutique en France à ce jour et dans un état de santé préoccupant, Mathieu est dans l'obligation de se rendre à New-York voir un des meilleurs professeurs au monde sur la maladie de Lyme.

Création de l'association Sauver Mathieu,

Etant sans solution thérapeutique en France à ce jour et dans un état de santé préoccupant, Mathieu est dans l'obligation de se rendre à New-York voir un des meilleurs professeurs au monde sur la maladie de Lyme.

Vous trouverez une note explicative, et éventuellement, les démarches à suivre :

Mathieu vous présente ses meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année,

bien cordialement,

Lyme and Fear

Bela Bozsik is a doctor who treated Lyme patients in Hungary, and who perfected microscopy of spirochetes in patients' blood over 10 years ago.

Bela Bozsik is a doctor who treated Lyme patients in Hungary, and who perfected microscopy of spirochetes in patients' blood over 10 years ago. This is the sort of clinical diagnosis which the governments are determined to suppress. Even though Bela used specific immunofluorescent markers to confirm these are Borrelia burgdorferi, methods like this are condemned by all the health controllers.

The major goals of Lyme disease treatment

The major goals of Lyme disease treatment are –
1. Eradicate pathogens
2. Boost immunity
3. Support affected organs/ systems
4. Provide symptom relief

There are multiple areas to address:

Primary infection – Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete
Co-infections – erlichia, bartonella, babesia etc
Nutritional deficiencies
General detoxification
Immune dysfunction
Systemic inflammation and pain
GI infections – parasites, h pylori
Gluten intolerance/ food sensitivities
Viral infections – herpes, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, measles
Yeast overgrowth – candidiasis
Heavy metal toxicity
Mold toxicity
Hormone imbalance (adrenals, thyroid, reproductive)
Sleep issues
Imbalance in brain chemistry/ neurotransmitters

Clearly, treatment for this disorder is multi-faceted and highly complex.

A Twist of Lyme: Battling a Disease That "Doesn't Exist"

"When she moved to Barrington, Rhode Island, Andrea Caesar was an active, happy, vivacious ten-year-old who loved to play kickball and hang from the monkey bars. A year later, Andrea had trouble catching her breath while running, was plagued by migraines, and battled constant muscle aches. Andrea had changed as a person; she was the kid who was always missing school. Although she did not know it at the time, she had contracted Borrelia burgdorferi, better known as Lyme disease."

Lyme disease‬ patients often have ear problems

‪#‎lymedisease‬ patients often have ear problems old but interesting article

Canada's health departments are denying Lyme disease with the same kind of disregard for suffering and death as practised by the British health departments ... As an extra fact to add to this general picture, Britain has one of the highest rates of paediatric Multiple Sclerosis in the world.

Dr Murakami of Canada has published this as his status. He is a truly honourable and clever man and a very well-respected doctor.
Canada's health departments are denying Lyme disease with the same kind of disregard for suffering and death as practised by the British health departments ...

As an extra fact to add to this general picture, Britain has one of the highest rates of paediatric Multiple Sclerosis in the world.
Ernie Murakami 8 hours ago · Edited . SEVERE MISDIAGNOSIS. Canada has the highest number of M.S. cases in the world (240-340 /100,00 depending on where yo...Afficher la suite

Another loss in the Lyme community - Scott Shelton whose wish it was to have his body used for research into Lyme and tick borne diseases

So sorry to hear Scott Shelton passed away this was a message from Tom Grier
'I am sorry to say that Scott Shelton passed away Friday morning at 11:30 AM.

As planned Scott allowed local pathologist to harvest tissues for Lyme disease research as per Dr. Alan MacDonald's protocol.

We will expect results in about 3 months.

Scott was born and raised on the same 120 acres that he died on.

After a decade of being an over the road trucker he returned home and cut lumber and built custom log cabins for a living.

Since being a child he estimated 10-15 tick bites a year, and never thought about any possibility that they caused disease.

For the past 20 years he had trouble maintaining his weight and slowly wasted away.

He responded to antibiotic with severe twitches, body jerks, head aches, sweats, and unbearable pain.

But the antibiotics took away his heart arrhythmia and gave him windows of energy and strength and allowed him to gain weight.

He suffered terribly everyday until lung cancer was discovered a few months ago and spread rapidly through his body.

Scott was adamant that no one should suffer as he did with exhaustion, pain, heart problems, and cognitive impairment.

So he requested that his body be used for Lyme and TBD research.

Our fund for Scotty allowed us only to harvest his brain and NO other tissues.

And currently we have to raise money for the research; so please pass the word to other Lyme patients that we need help.

I have attached our request.

Scott's funeral will be Thursday at 2 PM at the Duluth Cremation Society in West Duluth.

Send all Cards for Scotty Care of:

Cindy Shelton to Tom Grier's address

902 Grand View Ave
Duluth MN 55812


Hope to see many of you January 7th

Scott's brother Chris below in this You tube.

It took some really great detective work and skilled surgery to cure this young man's ear and eye pain: all symptoms were after-effects of Lyme disease.

It took some really great detective work and skilled surgery to cure this young man's ear and eye pain: all symptoms were after-effects of Lyme disease.

Why Do Those With Lyme Disease Become Estranged?

PHE can borrow CDC techniques to find Borrelia Spirochete

PHE can borrow CDC techniques to find Borrelia Spirochete

Lessons for PHE in the way Borrelia spirochetes ‪#‎lymedisease‬ actually move not as described at PHE meeting

Lessons for PHE in the way Borrelia spirochetes ‪#‎lymedisease‬ actually move not as described at PHE meeting

Survival of Borrelia and attack modes

Survival of Borrelia and attack modes

How Do You Deal With Relatives Who Don't Understand Your Chronic Illness?

Outrageous threats to try and silence eminent Norwegian microbiologist: he is obviously close to the truth when he demonstrates borrelia L-forms in patients; blood.

Outrageous threats to try and silence eminent Norwegian microbiologist: he is obviously close to the truth when he demonstrates borrelia L-forms in patients; blood.

Greetings from Oslo, Norway where UNDER OUR SKIN filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson just interviewed University of Oslo biologist Dr. Morten Laane about his groundbreaking Borrelia microscopy research, recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. Using relatively simple and inexpensive techniques he was able to identify live Borrelia bacteria in human blood. While this work could help revolutionize chronic Lyme diagnosis and treatment, it has been met with hostility from the Norwegian medical "establishment" and by his University's demand that he immediately "stop" this research, an unprecedented threat that could theoretically land him in jail! Are we living in the Middle Ages?
Greetings from Oslo, Norway where UNDER OUR SKIN filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson just interviewed University of Oslo biologist Dr. Morten Laane about his groundb...Afficher la suite

Yolanda Foster’s Lyme Disease Battle Continues: ‘Money Can’t Buy Health & Happiness’

Singer "surprised" by reaction to the parts of the movie about her Lyme disease exzperience. “I thought people would be, like, 'I'm bored.' But it's like, 'My mother has it. My brother.' People thanked me for bringing it to light."

CSF penetration and clinical use of different classes of antibioticsa

Viele Borreliose-Tests überflüssig | MDR.DE