Outrageous threats to try and silence eminent Norwegian microbiologist: he is obviously close to the truth when he demonstrates borrelia L-forms in patients; blood.
Greetings from Oslo, Norway where UNDER OUR SKIN filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson just interviewed University of Oslo biologist Dr. Morten Laane about his groundbreaking Borrelia microscopy research, recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. Using relatively simple and inexpensive techniques he was able to identify live Borrelia bacteria in human blood. While this work could help revolutionize chronic Lyme diagnosis and treatment, it has been met with hostility from the Norwegian medical "establishment" and by his University's demand that he immediately "stop" this research, an unprecedented threat that could theoretically land him in jail! Are we living in the Middle Ages? http://www.biomedicalreports.org/index.php?journal=bbr&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=98
Greetings from Oslo, Norway where UNDER OUR SKIN filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson just interviewed University of Oslo biologist Dr. Morten Laane about his groundbreaking Borrelia microscopy research, recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. Using relatively simple and inexpensive techniques he was able to identify live Borrelia bacteria in human blood. While this work could help revolutionize chronic Lyme diagnosis and treatment, it has been met with hostility from the Norwegian medical "establishment" and by his University's demand that he immediately "stop" this research, an unprecedented threat that could theoretically land him in jail! Are we living in the Middle Ages? http://www.biomedicalreports.org/index.php?journal=bbr&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=98
Greetings from Oslo, Norway where UNDER OUR SKIN filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson just interviewed University of Oslo biologist Dr. Morten Laane about his groundb...Afficher la suite