collecte section Bourgogne

Lyme, Morgellon's, and Yes, I'm saying it again: Insecticides ! The unpublished "truth" about Lyme and Morgellon's diseases,

Something we need to get our heads around, indeed: bacillus thuringiensis or Bt....

<<The question boils down to whether or not the globally applied insecticide called “B.t.” is causing or contributing to the genetic reshuffling of microbes in the environment and those that are genetically engineered into insecticides and/or GM plants. Science already proves that B.t. is capable of causing infections, and of reactivating latent infections in insects, arthropods, animals, and humans. Science has also proven that Bb is carried in ticks, insects, animals, and humans, and so are many of the infections duly noted above.

Is it too hard to imagine that when worlds collide — people become infected?>>

Is the globally-spread insecticide from Bt causing activation of viruses or the turning on of virulence genes in bacteria - all over the ecosystem?

  • PJ Langhoff  : Yes because as you may learn in my books, B.t. is contributing to the formation of mutant bacteriae. These bacteriae enter our bodies through injestion or injection (a/k/a insects/arthropods). It is what happens once these mutants and reassortments enter our bodies that causes disease. EVERYONE interested in knowing more about Bb, Lyme, Morgellon's, autoimmune and other illnesses, MUST read what I have published if they want to truly understand what is going on in the world of infectious diseases. Sadly however, most people claim my "theories" are merely theories. They do not have the information that I do, nor the understanding of what I am writing about. One day soon however, this will all be proven to be correct...