Tick Talk Ireland Homepage
Welcome to Tick Talk Ireland, a charity set up to encourage awareness, prevention and treatment of Lyme disease (Borreliosis) in Ireland.
Lyme disease is currently the world's fastest growing vector-borne infection (spread by ticks). As Ireland's first Lyme disease charity we hope to spread awareness and encourage quick diagnosis and treatment of this debilitating disease.
The symptoms of Lyme may vary according to the stage of disease and can range from mild to severe, depending on the immune system of the sufferer, stress, length of infection as well as the level of co-infections in the body such as bartonella, anaplasmosis & babesia. Some people may have asymptomatic Lyme disease with no symptoms present, however symptoms may emerge months or years after the initial infection.
Visit ourmerchandise page for tick twisters, DEET and more
We are pleased to announce that a grant from the National Lottery has been received via the Department of Health. The grant is approved for partial funding of the Irish Lyme conference which was held in the month of June 2012. Conference DVDs covering testing, treatment & research are available for salehere For a review of the conference please refer here.
New Tick Talk videos available for download - 07/01/2013
Videos from the Lyme conference to watch online or download available now
Videos from the Lyme conference to watch online or download available now
Conference DVD's for sale - 11/12/2012
A DVD set of the hugely successful Lyme Conference 2012 in Dublin has now been released for sale
A DVD set of the hugely successful Lyme Conference 2012 in Dublin has now been released for sale
Tick Talk Ireland Articles
These are articles written by Tick Talk Ireland members:- What To Do If You Suspect You Have Lyme Disease
- Protecting Your Kids from the Dangers of Ticks
- The Truth About Lyme Disease and Ticks in Ireland
- Are You Tick Aware?
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 1
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 2
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 3
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 4
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 5
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 6
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 7
- If Ticks Could Talk Part 8
- Welcome to Borrelia-ville - Microsoft Word Document
Articles on the Web
Here you can find links to various articles about Lyme Disease on the web. If you have any suggestions for articles we can link to pleaseget in touch and let us know.- The Dangerous Mutation Awaiting Under the Lyme Disease Biofilm and How You Can Stop It - For people with chronic Lyme symptoms that don't respond to medications
- Novel Fugitive Strategy for Borrelia burgdorferi: Biofilm
- Getting Rid of Gut Biofilm and the Critters it Protects
- Interview with Peta Cohen about Biofilms
- Connection between Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- A Clear and Present Danger
- Doctors Dilemma
- Chronic Lyme Exists
- Chronic Lyme Post Mortem Study Needed
- Hope to Heal Conference 2006
- Warning on Ticks - Irish Independant
- Ticked off by Danger of Lyme Disease - Irish Times
- Long Term Infection
- Lyme - The Next Decade
- Lyme Disease in Britain
- Neuro Lyme in Children
- Testing Issues Explained
- Lyme Disease - The Unknown Epidemic
- Treatment Recommendations
- Willy Burgdorfer Interview
- The Rising Dangers of Ticks
- Tick Borne Infections in the UK