collecte section Bourgogne

toxins and lymph nodes

Important to keep Lymph nodes clear and moving. The toxins can build up in them and make us feel worse if they remain in the body. I get lymph node massages and it has helped a lot! Gets the toxins moving out and that's what we want.


Just where do those toxins in the body go and how do they get there? Most acutely formed toxins are removed from the blood by the kidneys or broken down into less harmful substances by the liver and recycled into useful substances or sent to the kidneys or bowels for elimination. Some acute toxins move through the lymphatic channels in a liquid called lymph fluid.

This is most evident when there is an infection in the skin as is seen in those red streaks which can move up the arm or leg. The lymph nodes are also part of the lymph system as is the spleen. Most of us have a less than optimally functioning lymph system due to chronic infection, including Bb, and the burden of living in a time of daily exposure to external toxins in the form of man-made chemicals. It is important to have a well working lymph system when dealing with Lyme disease. Bb has a penchant to inhabit interstitial spaces, the space between cells.

The only way our bodies can eliminate toxins and the debris from the die-off of organisms and/or the products of inflammation and chemical toxins from this space is via the lymphatics. So lets get it moving!! Muscle contraction is the main 'pump' of the lymph therefore exercise is important to a properly functioning lymph system. Massage can also move lymph and decongest lymphatic channels and there is a form of massage called "lymphatic massage" which is specialized for this. Massage has many benefits in the treatment of Lyme disease and is recommended. Again, saunas can be very beneficial for aiding movement of lymph and offering an alternative path - sweat to the skin - for the elimination of toxins.