collecte section Bourgogne

Neurosystemic Diseases -

"According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top MYCOPLASMA researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including AIDS, cancer, CFS, Crohn’s, Type I diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s..."

Dr Charles Engel...stated the following at an NIH meeting... "I am now of the view that the probable cause of CFS and fibromyalgia is the MYCOPLASMA..."

I have all the official documents to prove that MYCOPLASMA is the disease agent in CFS/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses..."

A tragic story from a fellow Southern family highlights the physical, emotional and financial damage a misdiagnosis can wreak.

TENNESSEE: A tragic story from a fellow Southern family highlights the physical, emotional and financial damage a misdiagnosis can wreak. 

It's a tiny pest with a big bite that can do major damage. One family said it only took one infected tick to change their entire lifestyle – something they have been dealing with for the past seven years.

"Shelby was starting to get really fatigued. All the other soccer moms were noticing that she wasn't keeping up. It was very out of her character," said Kelly....

Find and Rate Detoxification Methods for Lyme Disease

A herxheimer reaction is not an immediate reaction to spirochete die off but more of a result of an accumulation of toxins over a period of time. You can kill off spirochetes and have no herx reaction as this is due to the body's ability to effectively remove the endotoxins the spirochetes release, in a effective manner. When you start to herx, the body's tactics for removing the endotoxins are overburdened due to an accumulation of endotoxins. This is where detoxification comes into play.

Misconceptions of Chronic Lyme and Lyme Symptoms | lyme symptoms

Microorganisms Carried by Ticks and Other...

fievres recurrentes à tiques et poux

How to Heal Your Gut and Heal Yourself

New T-Cell Test a “Game-Changer” for Lyme

TOUCHED BY LYME: Microscope you helped buy is now on the job

if you go to this site you can listen to the Lyme interviews from 15mins onwards

if you go to this site you can listen to the Lyme interviews from 15mins onwards 
Dr Andrew Ladhams did an interview for Melbourne community radio station 3CR on Monday. We will try to find a recording of it for you but the gist of the interview was the incidence of tickborne disease in Australia, why is Lyme disease not recognised here and what has the CACLD achieved.
The answers were basically that due to this not being a notifiable disease who would know what the real numbers are, the govt is not ignorant of it however for whatever reason is not acknowledging its presence here and ??? on CACLD because none of the main treating doctors are on it at present.
Thank you 3CR for your time 

good minerals are a key in detoxification

 good minerals are a key in detoxification

Borreliose: Die weltweite Suche nach Antworten – neue Serie - Borreliose-verschwiegene-Epidemie

A not-to-do list for those with chronic pain or illness

Worldwide Lyme Protest - Russia нужна помощь: Добрый день

нужна помощь: Добрый день
История такая: клещ сына кусал как минимум два раза, последний раз 2года 2 мес назад в голову, не знаю была ли эритема, но покраснение было - я тогда сходила к педиатору на предмет не эритема ли это, сказала, что нет. Покраснение прошло, но периодически раз или два в год появляется в том же месте и чешется, затем начинается перхоть. Мазали салициловой к-ой, снимает зуд и за пару дней покраснение проходит. Других проявление не было. В конце сентября этого года сын переболел странным орви: температура 37 с небольшим, жмет кишечник, голова шумит, кружится, тошнит и слабость. За...

нужна помощь

Отправка образцов крови за пределы зоны Единого таможенного пространства: Когда возникла необходимость отправить кровь в Германию выяснилось что официально это запрещено

Отправка образцов крови за пределы зоны Единого таможенного пространства: Когда возникла необходимость отправить кровь в Германию выяснилось что официально это запрещено 
Сейчас нашел оказию и передаю с другом но как будет дальше не понятно.
Нашел в инете компанию Äîñòàâêà êðîâè, áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ îáðàçöîâ è ìåäèöèíñêèõ ïðåïàðàòîâ ( странно ссылка отображается но работает)с хорошими отзывами в инете о их работе.
Если у кого опыт отправки образцов крови за границу или общения с этой компанией?

Отправляю кровь в Home: Infectolab это что очень родственное...

Отправка образцов крови за пределы зоны Единого таможенного пространства

How Does a Tick Do Its Dirty Work? Research Video Offers a Clue


Dr. Richard Horowitz addressing the crowd at the San Diego Lymewalk & Rally, Oct. 19, 2013. He discusses his 

These results imply that Borrelia and its pleomorphic forms have access to immune cells.

These results imply that Borrelia and its pleomorphic forms have access to immune cells. The recognition and detection of pleomorphic forms is detrimental for proper diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic Borrelia infections. In conclusion, the simple knowledge that B. burgdorferi has definite pleomorphic morphologies at that can be easily obtained by changes in environmental conditions may enhance future immunologically studies, help in improving the life quality of infected patients, and provide a model system to investigate other B. burgdorferi subspecies and other spirochetal pathogens.

neurotropism of spirochetes evident in syphilis, borrelioses leptospirosis enter CNS quickly

neurotropism of spirochetes evident in syphilis, borrelioses leptospirosis enter CNS quickly

Dr. Kenneth Liegner on LymeLight Radio tomorrow, Oct 30, 4pm ET/1pm PT.

This photo shows Dr. Kenneth Liegner at last May's NYC Lyme rally. He'll be interviewed on LymeLight Radio on Oct 30, 4pm ET/1pm PT.

New Disease Increases Risk of Tick-Bourne Illness in California

Передача "Специальный корреспондент": Сегодня по ТВ Россия1 передача " Специальный корреспондент . Прививка. "

Передача "Специальный корреспондент": Сегодня по ТВ Россия1 передача " Специальный корреспондент . Прививка. " в 23-45

Lyme survivor and TV newscaster Brook Landau has started a new website to help people overcome chronic pain and illness.

Lyme survivor and TV newscaster Brook Landau has started a new website to help people overcome chronic pain and illness.

Lyme disease is insidious because it can lie dormant for years, until a trigger event such as stress activates one or more related illnesses.

What Is Lyme Disease? [Infographic]

In case you missed it before, the group's questions to the Rare & Imported Pathogens Lab and the new referral clinic have been answered and are up on the website!

In case you missed it before, the group's questions to the Rare & Imported Pathogens Lab and the new referral clinic have been answered and are up on the website!

Huffington Post interview with Lyme researcher Monica Embers, whose work at Tulane University indicates that spirochetes can persist in the body after antibiotic treatment.

Mystery disease killing dogs in New Forest

Ticked Off at Lyme Disease | Campus MovieFest

Ticked Off at Lyme Disease....
Angela Laird's Lymies
Sonoma State University 2013
Description: Learn a little bit more about Lyme disease and its sufferers. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) set the treatment guidelines for Lyme disease held up by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Because the guidelines have not been revised since 2006, and are considered outdated, many Lyme disease patients are not getting the proper treatments. Additionally, any treatment they seek outside the standard 28 days of antibiotics (usually doxycycline, an antibiotic also used to treat acne), is not covered by insurance companies. The guidelines also don't recognize congenital Lyme disease, Lyme disease transmitted by partners, chronic Lyme disease, and child autism caused by Lyme disease. Lyme disease sufferers are no longer patient! It is time to bring Lyme disease into the limelight and educate society on this debilitating disease.

Families Find a New PAL in the Fight Against Lyme

Students at risk for Lyme: Will lawsuits make a difference? -

Baseball Hall of Famer Tom Seaver says he's still battling Lyme disease.

Les bactéries auraient-elles leur propre réseau Wifi ?

"Le spectre de la mémoire de l'eau resurgit", BENVENISTE AVAIT RAISON !
Le Test des signaux magnétiques du Pr Luc Montagnier est prêt mais peine à trouver sa validation auprès de la HAS. (Son coût : 400 euros).
Pour info, des électrohypersensibles sont actuellement traités par antiobithérapie (Rocéphine, ect.) avec succès.
Une affaire à suivre.