collecte section Bourgogne

"A Bluffton-area woman says she contracted Lyme disease from a tick that provincial health officials refuse to believe is infecting Albertans within the borders of this province."

"A Bluffton-area woman says she contracted Lyme disease from a tick that provincial health officials refuse to believe is infecting Albertans within the borders of this province."

"Her mother, a nurse in British Columbia, suspected it was Lyme disease and her family took her to San Diego, Calif., for testing and treatment with intravenous antibiotics for the first year and a half until they ran out of money."

"Her family spent $80,000 for treatment, buying drugs in the U.S. and administering them back home."

"Werenka said eventually an infectious disease doctor in Red Deer acknowledged her disease and five months ago she finished three months of intravenous antibiotics."