Due to the denial of Chronic Lyme Disease by the authors of the IDSA guidelines despite NIH researchers saying it is a relapsing disease and persists in 100% of animals despite antibiotics and immune system, patients around the World are adversely affected. Lack of awareness and early diagnosis means patients fall into a chronic illness un necessarily, costing lives, jobs, relationships, in economic costs alone it makes no sense to ignore so many thousands of patients.
Thankfully I responded to long term antibiotics and got my health and life back after 4 years undiagnosed and many months of antibiotics.
Thank you for bringing public awareness to the medical disgrace of Lyme Disease when guideline authors deny chronic persistent infection in their guidelines but accept it when applying for patents for vaccines, is this acceptable in the US it certainly isn't here in the UK and at last our Dept of Health are listening to all the research.

Do you have a story about Lyme disease?
Today's Big Conversation is happening because of all of you. You Tweeted and Facebooked and told me you wanted me to cover Lyme disease on the show. Many shared stories of how you, your children, family members or friends battled the illness… sometimes fighting just for the right treatment or recogn...