Control subjects who were asymptomatic and seronegative for Bb had no
detectable spirochetes in genital secretions by PCR analysis. In
contrast, spirochetes were observed in cultures of genital secretions
from 11 of 13 subjects diagnosed with Lyme disease, and motile
spirochetes were detected in genital culture concentrates from 12 of 13
Lyme disease patients using light and darkfield microscopy.
Morphological features of spirochetes were confirmed by Dieterle silver
staining and immunohistochemical staining of culture concentrates.
Molecular hybridization and PCR testing confirmed that the spirochetes
isolated from semen and vaginal secretions were strains of Borrelia, and
all cultures were negative for treponemal spirochetes. PCR sequencing
of cultured spirochetes from three couples having unprotected sex
indicated that two couples had identical strains of Bb sensu stricto in
their semen and vaginal secretions, while the third couple had identical
strains of B. hermsii detected in their genital secretions.
Conclusions: The culture of viable Borrelia spirochetes in genital secretions suggests that Lyme disease could be transmitted by intimate contact from person to person. Further studies are needed to evaluate this hypothesis.
Conclusions: The culture of viable Borrelia spirochetes in genital secretions suggests that Lyme disease could be transmitted by intimate contact from person to person. Further studies are needed to evaluate this hypothesis.