collecte section Bourgogne

Melanoma and borrelia burgdorferi

"The husband of the Lady in Scotland sent me this link today and asked me to share it. His wife was diagnosed with melanoma in 2012. After about 4 months on Doxy, she had a pre-op appt with her doc prior to removal of her lymph glands. At the appt it was discovered her tumors had shrunk by 95% so the op was no longer require... First case of reversing metastasizing melanoma the doc had ever heard of and he could find no literature either... I am praying so hard that she is able to do the same with the brain tumour... We live in Hope especially now that she is wanting to eat and is off her drip.."

Doxycycline antibiotics caused reversal of rampant melanoma cancer

Lyme is already known to cause Lymphomas....but is there a chance it causes melanomas too?