collecte section Bourgogne

Neuroborreliosis (known as chronic Lyme disease) is the perfect case study of disseminated bacterial infection, with biofilms making a significant contribution to persistent – chronic – disease state

Neuroborreliosis (known as chronic Lyme disease) is the perfect case study of disseminated bacterial infection, with biofilms making a significant contribution to persistent – chronic – disease states. I’ve focused much of my energies reporting on this in 2013 and released three interview segments with Dr. Alan MacDonald, renowned pathologist and disease researcher.

A healthcare advocate recently contacted me and proactively set up a viewing of my interview with Dr. MacDonald at a local library that was scheduled for next week. The biology and scientific knowledge in this interview somehow is a big enough threat to the medical establishment to warrant direct intervention from a “top” doctor to call and threaten the library to withdraw financial support! This is an excerpt from my new friend who coordinated the event:

“…Not sure if you got my text. I just wanted to let you know that the library has to withdraw the sponsorship of the film. A top Doctor at Brigham and Women’s called the Director __________whom I have known for years and said it was too political and that he would withdraw support of the library if they co-sponsor it. Guess I was naïve…”

The event is now canceled.

So I ask you: why does the medical mafia want you to be ignorant? Why won’t they fix the woefully inadequate diagnostic testing for Lyme and other chronic bacterial infections? Why do they want to keep sick?

This only motivates me more. I need to work harder to get the word out and help people understand “biology 102.” Any ideas or help on this minor obstacle is appreciated. In the meantime, a reminder on all these videos:

So here we are in 2013 and see that libraries are strong-armed by the medical mafia. With respect to this attempt at squelching public education on a serious medical problem, what are our rights, duties and obligations as caring citizens? What can we do to address this absurdity?

I'd love to hear your constructive opinions. Thanks for reading this.