collecte section Bourgogne

"The goal of the study is to determine which tick reduction method, or combination of methods, is the most effective in controlling and reducing deer ticks, and subsequently decreasing tick-borne disease." "The goal of the study is to determine which tick reduction method, or combination of methods, is the most effective in controlling and reducing deer ticks, and subsequently decreasing tick-borne disease."

Redding is entering the second year of a three-year Integrated Tick Management study funded by the CDC and conducted by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES).

"The goal of the study is to determine which tick reduction method, or combination of methods, is the most effective in controlling and reducing deer ticks, and subsequently decreasing tick-borne disease."

"It’s too soon to provide any conclusive results from the study. However, some preliminary data is available. From the first experiment year, data suggests that the rodent bait boxes combined with the fungus spray application has reduced the nymph deer tick population densities by 58.2% compared to the area where those tick reduction methods were not used."

A European Multicenter Study of Immunoblotting in Serodiagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis A European multicenter study of immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis showed considerable variation in results obtained from tests with a panel of 227

...DNA detective work confirmed that a disease-carrying tick only found in the southeastern United States has colonized a federally endangered rodent population in an extremely isolated patch of Mojave Desert wetlands."

...DNA detective work confirmed that a disease-carrying tick only found in the southeastern United States has colonized a federally endangered rodent population in an extremely isolated patch of Mojave Desert wetlands."

“A possible explanation is that the ticks traveled with birds migrating from southeastern North America to Mexico or Central America and then up the West Coast flyway...”

Ticks and endangered voles linked by migrating birds

Protomyxzoa: A new infectious organism. Discussion and treatment

Antibiotic 'smart bomb' can target specific strains of bacteria

Family and friends of Lyme disease sufferers should learn EVERYTHING they can about the disease

Lymen Borrelioosi

Lyme Bingo

Study showing the very real possibility of asymptomatic infection with Borrelia (Lyme disease) which could explain two of Inside Out's documentary crew testing positive for Lyme disease.

Study showing the very real possibility of asymptomatic infection with Borrelia (Lyme disease) which could explain two of Inside Out's documentary crew testing positive for Lyme disease.

Borrelia is destructive

Lyme Disease Treatment | Sponaugle Wellness Institute

-Bartonella henselae and B. koehlerae DNA in Birds -

Dr. Richard Horowitz My interview on Lymelight radio with Katina Makris can be accessed with the link below. We covered a broad range of topics on Lyme and associated tick-borne disorders.

My interview on Lymelight radio with Katina Makris can be accessed with the link below. We covered a broad range of topics on Lyme and associated tick-borne disorders.

Chronische Borreliose: Neues US-Gesetz weckt Hoffnung - Borreliose-verschwiegene-Epidemie

The ticking time bomb isn't a nuclear war these days, it's the plague of tick-borne infections. Beware of the Borreliosis Bomb!

The ticking time bomb isn't a nuclear war these days, it's the plague of tick-borne infections.
Beware of the Borreliosis Bomb!

Everything you need to make a display for spring tick season

Everything you need to make a display for spring tick season

Peter Seeger was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2000.

Peter Seeger was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2000. We do not know if Lyme had anything to do with his passing. He was 94 years old and brought much joy to the world through his music. May his memory be eternal.

LYME DISEASE - Using the Law of Attraction to empower you on a path to well-being and wellness.

Just a reminder for those who haven't seen yet, the next conference call is this coming Monday at 8 PM EST. Angela Dumas and I will each be talking about the Law of Attraction and offer tools for shifting yourself into a healing energy. Angela will also be giving us a guided meditation.  We have a lot of people signed up and hope you will join us. Read more about it and sign up at the link below.
Photo de Jenny Swart Rush.
lundi 3 février, 20:00 (EST)
Telephone 1-443-453-0034 code: 860402
126 personnes y participent

Pete Seeger, folk singer and activist who recently passed away also had Lyme disease

Pete Seeger, folk singer and activist who recently passed away also had Lyme disease. Here's an article from Aug 2000:

Yolanda Foster Gives Us An Update On Her Health And Talks About Raising Lyme Disease Awareness!

Yolanda Foster Gives Us An Update On Her Health And Talks About Raising Lyme Disease Awareness!

Lyme Research Alliance Announces Star-Studded Lineup of Honorary Chairs for "Time for Lyme" Gala

Lyme Research Alliance Announces Star-Studded Lineup of Honorary Chairs for "Time for Lyme" Gala

"Yolanda Foster, Tommy Hilfiger, Peter Sarsgaard, Tom Seaver and others to serve as Honorary Chairs of LRA's Gala on April 5, 2014. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund important research projects at universities and major medical institutions throughout the United States."

Journey Thru Lyme: Epilogue Video Preview

TickEncounter Resource Center > Tick Notes > Polar Vortick!

Do I Have Parasites: Intestinal Worms?

Angeli Vanlaanen You are such an inspiration! Tick-Borne Disease Alliance

Angeli Vanlaanen
You are such an inspiration!
Tick-Borne Disease Alliance
There was a time when the future of my ski career was uncertain. It took 3 years to beat Lyme Disease and return to competition, 1 comeback season to qualify as...Afficher la suite

"Our results demonstrate that genotyping of borrelia can be easily implemented in a routine dermatopathology setting, especially useful as a fast method to confirm early cutaneous borreliosis. Genotyping could also enable earlier treatment of patients infected with invasive strains."

From the British Journal of Dermatology: "Our results demonstrate that genotyping of borrelia can be easily implemented in a routine dermatopathology setting, especially useful as a fast method to confirm early cutaneous borreliosis. Genotyping could also enable earlier treatment of patients infected with invasive strains."

Mice given Borrelia by mouth became infected and sick: and ticks feeding on them took up the infection as well.

Mice given Borrelia by mouth became infected and sick: and ticks feeding on them took up the infection as well.
(an old paper from 1987!)
<<Six of the orally infected P. maniculatus developed clinical signs including ruffled hair coat, inappetence, reluctance to move, and lameness in the rear legs.>>

Living With Lyme Disease: 16 ways to use Frankincense

Life on a Dead-End Street

Life on a Dead-End Street

"Suddenly, I was in this state of irrational anxiety. Would my home be deemed good enough (whatever that meant)? Would they feel comfortable here? Would I remember what to do with a guest? Would I feel ashamed of my cluttered house – that my carpets hadn’t been vacuumed in months because nobody had either the energy or the healthy muscles to clean them? Would the messy kitchen turn them off? Should it? In short – would they want to back out and steer clear of this house of infirmity?"

The president of Niagara-based Magnotta Winery died at the age of 59 after contracting the disease in 2006. Since her husband’s death, Rossana Magnotta has worked to establish a Canadian Lyme disease research centre.

The president of Niagara-based Magnotta Winery died at the age of 59 after contracting the disease in 2006. Since her husband’s death, Rossana Magnotta has worked to establish a Canadian Lyme disease research centre.

"We need to have a test that is better so that we can make people well sooner, because we know that this organism is ruthless. Once it gets into your system, it will dive deeply into your tissue and it will destroy. The only thing that will help you is by diagnosing and treating it quickly. The (current) testing is pathetic."

Natty's Lyme disease treatment appeal -

TBDA is deeply saddened by the loss of Pete Seeger, the singer and activist who spearheaded an American folk revival and was diagnosed with Lyme disease back in 2000.

from the Tick-Borne Disease Alliance: TBDA is deeply saddened by the loss of Pete Seeger, the singer and activist who spearheaded an American folk revival and was diagnosed with Lyme disease back in 2000. Seeger passed away yesterday at age 94. Our deepest condolences are extended from TBDA to his family and friends. May he rest in peace and his memory be with us forever."