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Dr. Richard Horowitz : Congressman Gibson talked about his new Lyme bill that is presently before the House, that will establish funds for research for Lyme and associated tick-borne disorders.

This picture of myself with Congressman Chris Gibson was taken during the Light on Lyme event in Rosendale, N.Y. on May 4th. Congressman Gibson talked about his new Lyme bill that is presently before the House, that will establish funds for research for Lyme and associated tick-borne disorders. The bill will create a committee with a diversity of scientific perspectives at the table, which will address among other issues: a comprehensive review of the literature, and relevant and diverse emerging scientific areas that will help advance clinical practice. Lyme organizations will have a voice at the table, and it is important for Lyme Advocacy organizations and thought leaders to come together to support this bill. Congressman Gibson also sent his representative Steve Bulger to speak at the Greene County Lyme forum that took place on May 5th, at Greenville High School the next day. I was there with Dr Holly Ahern, Chris Fisk from the Lyme Action Network, and Dr Ronald Stram. I spoke on the Lyme-MSIDS model and how it could be effectively used for persistent illness in Lyme, and its applicability to other diseases. The auditorium was packed, and when I asked people in the audience to raise their hands if they had Lyme, the majority raised their hands. I didn't know the epidemic had spread so significantly north of the Hudson Valley. The stories that I heard from patients of being misdiagnosed and still suffering was an eye opening experience, and although other Congressional leaders were invited, Congressman's Gibson's representative was the only one who attended.
Please support Congressman Gibson in his fight to help our country with Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases. There will be a fund raiser for him next Wednesday at the
Halpern residence, 550 Albany Post Road, New Paltz, N.Y. Come and meet the Congressman and find out why we need more people like him serving our country.
For more information, please contact Kate at 518‐742‐0044 or rsvp at