NBC4 came to last week's Lyme protest in
Arlington, VA, and videotaped interviews. But they decided not to air it. We
wonder why.
NBC4 Call to Action:
A lot came out of this IDSA protest we did in Arlington last week. There are ways we will need to be following up to make sure it gets the media attention it deserves.
Today we ask you to:
As most of you know NBC4 came out to Arlingrton VA to interview Lyme patients and video taped us protesting and doing the "Die In" in front of the IDSA headquarters. They did an interview with Josh Cutler but later they decided not to cover the Mayday story or put it on the air. We are asking for your help by contacting NBC4 and asking them politely to air the story on The Mayday Project.
Be nice, we want to get their attention but not seem too agressive. Go to their sites and ask them to air the story and make sure to add why it is important to you for them to tell our story to the public. Tell your story, talk about friends you have that have died from Lyme, tell them how it has impacted your family, and bring up anything about lack of insurance coverage, doctors who refuse to treat you or anyway Lyme has impacted your life and why they should do a story on this.
Tell them what the Mayday Project means to you.
Here are some links to contact NBC4.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/nbcwashingtondc
Google + Page: https://plus.google.com/+nbcwashington/posts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbcwashington
Website Contact: http://www.nbcwashington.com/send-feedback/
Share your pictures of Mayday with NBC4 here: http://www.nbcwashington.com/ugc/5