Atteinte de la borréliose chronique persistante , babesia et bartonella ; le déni est grand , battons nous pour la faire connaitre la borréliose de lyme et ses coinfections ; 8 ans de bi et tri therapies d'antibiotiques auxquels j'ai ajouté une partie du protocole Buhner et autres
collecte section Bourgogne
Meg as well as her family and friends do their bit Stateside to raise awareness of Lyme disease in a Memorial Day Parade in their hometown in Pennsylvania handing out stickers, sweets and wristbands!
Group member from the US, Meg as well as her family and friends do their bit Stateside to raise awareness of Lyme disease in a Memorial Day Parade in their hometown in Pennsylvania handing out stickers, sweets and wristbands! Well done guys!