collecte section Bourgogne

If every one who has Lyme Disease or who's lives have been touched by Lyme, could get just one person to commit to stand in their place for them...what an amazing turn out we would have.

We understand that the debilitating and disabling effects of this disease mean many who would love to take part in the protest will be unable to, due to ill health. 

If this is the case, or if for any other reason - such as work commitments - you are unable to make the protest, you can still play a part by sharing our

***Stand in my place campaign***

If every one who has Lyme Disease or who's lives have been touched by Lyme, could get just one person to commit to stand in their place for them...what an amazing turn out we would have.

It would be impossible for our voices to be ignored if we show our strength in numbers.

Share this picture, share the links - it's time for change.