collecte section Bourgogne

In the Netherlands, one of the protests at least got into a daily newspaper, the Eindoven Daily


~ Eindhovens Dagblad, maandag 19 mei 2014, Stille tocht in Eindhoven  ~

~ Heeft ons harde (media) werk toch al iets moois opgeleverd, zie ook link artikel: Straks de originele krant maar eens lezen en de rest van de informatie hier plaatsen ~

~ See You At The Dutch Lyme Protest in 2015....... ~

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 In the Netherlands, one of the protests at least got into a daily newspaper, the
Eindoven Daily:
<<With the support of dozens of green / black volunteers crossed the Hope Foundation for Lyme Saturday afternoon to hear from the Market Square in Eindhoven, a National Lyme Protest.
It was the second time that only one and a half year old organization with a national event early public attention to Lyme disease. In more than 25 countries, a similar protest was held. According to the organizers Joshua Verhoeven Mierlo and Andrea Short from Den Bosch - both themselves suffering from Lyme disease - it is necessary to stir the drum.>>