collecte section Bourgogne

Kamer voor SP-voorstel om het burgerinitiatief Lyme te steunen Dutch Parliament in favour of SP Proposal to support the citizen's LYME Bill

De Tweede Kamer heeft donderdag unaniem het voorstel van SP-Kamerlid Henk van Gerven om een landelijk Lyme onderzoeks- en behandelcentrum centrum op te richten...

<<Dutch Parliament in favour of SP Proposal to support the citizen's LYME Bill
15-05-2014 • The House on Thursday unanimously supported the proposal of SP MP Henk van Gerven to establish a national Lyme disease research and treatment center. Van Gerven, "It is a unique event that the House of a citizens' takes over. This will hopefully more insight into the diagnosis of the disease tick bite and more views on the proper treatment of thousands of Lyme disease patients. "
Henk van GervenThe citizens' initiative to combat Lyme disease has a long history. On May 11, 2010 the citizens was filed. More than 70,000 people signed the petition requesting to improve. Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme
On the treatment of Lyme disease has been raging for years a fierce debate between researchers and practitioners. In patients in a number of cases the disease were detected ignored or too late. Resulting in much suffering and sometimes desperate search of patients who have severe symptoms of Lyme find the most effective treatment. And thereby also help patients look abroad at high cost. What SP MP Van Gerven concerned, the establishment of a research and treatment center the beginning of a solution to this problem: "People who tick bite disease have suffered have in our country somewhere to go where they have the assurance that there is the best knowledge about diagnosis and treatment available. Thus, we can put an end to hopelessness and despair experienced by many Lyme patients. Furthermore, an impulse may be given to research into the diagnosis and treatment of the disease tick bite. "With this center>>