collecte section Bourgogne

Borrelia burgdorferi: Cell Biology and Clinical Manifestations in Latent Chronic Lyme

Chronic Lyme disease is predicated by an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi via tick vector. B. burgdorferi has been extensively researched with regard to its genome and cell biology. There are many unique characteristics to the bacteria itself; however, serological diagnostics and diagnosis based…

Treating Chronic Lyme Disease When Doxycycline Fails

Keith Berndtson explains why doxycycline may not be enough for lyme disease, and outlines his combo antibiotic approach to beat lyme into submissio.

The Human Side of Lyme - An Inhumane Disease of the Brain

Deliberations of a psychiatrist who evaluates and possibly diagnoses Lyme and other tick-borne diseases of the mind, sharing case histories of those who suffer from NeuroLyme of the brain

What the Lyme Spirochetes Fear and Lyme Symptoms

Posted October 30, 2104.  The Lyme spirochetes in...

Why the Government is Suppressing the Lyme Disease Epidemic

Yale study says children don't have Lyme, but medically unexplained symptoms -

Yale University Medical Center conducts study of its pediatric infectious disease clinic and finds majority of chronically ill children are diagnosed with medically...

Dr Cameron highlights the issues with dismissing Lyme disease:
'According to Dr. Shapiro, Yale Medical Center’s pediatric infectious disease clinic reviewed its own patient database, focusing on cases made through outside referrals. The study found that more than half of the referrals were for patients suspected of having Lyme disease. However, 80-90% of those patients were deemed to not have ‘active Lyme disease,’ says Dr. Shapiro, but were instead diagnosed with medically unexplained symptoms or MUS.
Dr. Shapiro claims that 80-90% of the clinic patients did not have active Lyme disease. However, there is no way to ascertain if the Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection is active or not in a patient. The statement is misleading, if not also inaccurate.'

'Depression is caused by parasites, bacteria or viruses'

Dr Turhan Canli, a professor of Stony Brook Univerisity, U.S. hopes if this theory is true a vaccination against depression could be developed in future.

Catching Lyme disease in the womb?

Catching Lyme disease in the womb? — The Daily Climate
Editor's Note: "Climate at Your Doorstep" is an effort by The Daily Climate to highlight stories about climate change impacts happening now. Find more stories like this here.

Travels Journal: A Loved One Has Lyme Disease: What to Expect


11 Ways to Detoxify your Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system, or lymph system as it is also called, is a system made up of glands, lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland and tonsils. It bathes our...

Delle Donne ambassador for Lyme research

Delle Donne ambassador for Lyme research
Elena Delle Donne has been public about her battle with Lyme disease.

Living with Lyme Disease "The tiniest bite from one of them can cause a lot of pain - a symptom of Lyme disease. But finding out if that's what's ailing you can take a lot of time because, some experts say, the blood tests doctors give to patients are often wrong, as more than half of Lyme cases are missed."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been in the spotlight for months as the Ebola epidemic escalates. Meanwhile, Lyme Disease patients are keeping a close eye on the federal agency, too.

Living with Lyme Disease
"The tiniest bite from one of them can cause a lot of pain - a symptom of Lyme disease. But finding out if that's what's ailing you can take a lot of time because, some experts say, the blood tests doctors give to patients are often wrong, as more than half of Lyme cases are missed."

Lyme Whisperer: The Secret’s Out is a hopeful and humorous look into life with Lyme, featuring “conversations” between the author (The lyme whisperer) and Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme.

Lyme Whisperer: The Secret’s Out is a hopeful and humorous look into life with Lyme, featuring “conversations” between the author (The lyme whisperer) and Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme. Includes creative analogies and interviews that will leave you wanting more! See The Blood Sugar Solution and The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox featured in chapters 3 and 9! Available and

Vector-Borne Diseases in the UK – Biennial Conference 2014

Victor Brugman (The Pirbright Institute) and Stacey Leech (Public Health England) This month saw a swarm of parasitologists, entomologists, virologists and ecologists descend on the University of...

Lorraine Johnson talks Lyme on RT America TV's executive director discusses controversy about Lyme on the national program "Breaking the Set," with anchor Abby Martin.

Mysterious Honey Destroys All Bacteria It Touches

Australian researchers rediscovered an immaculate cure for bacterial disease that seems to only exist in the New Zealand/Australia corner of the world; ...

Intestinal parasites are a problem for some with chronic Lyme disease.

Intestinal parasites are a problem for some with chronic Lyme disease. In this Lyme Byte recorded during Conversations with Marty Ross MD on 11/19/04 Dr. Ross discusses when and how to treat parasites.

Researcher Judy Mikovits reveals the motive of her book.

Researcher Judy Mikovits reveals the motive of her book.

A view into the life of Sarah Davenport as she struggles with late stage Lyme Disease

On a crisp November morning I arrive to spend some time with Sarah. I am greeted first by Sparky, a tiny yet mighty rat terrier, donning a sweater with a lightening bolt emblazoned on his back. Seconds later, Sarah slowly comes to...

A view into the life of Sarah Davenport as she struggles with late stage Lyme Disease. Be sure to listen to the radio interview.


Thanksgiving in the Lyme world, 2014

Along with new and continuing challenges for the Lyme community, there is also much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving season.

A Tribute to Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, discoverer of Lyme spirochete

A tribute to Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, who discovered the microbe that causes Lyme disease. The spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, was named after the scientist.

Golf courses are hotspots for ticks

that's where I got bitten and infected , playing golf ! bitten in 2000 , diagnosed in 2010 , see the disaster ............I am in my 5 th year of abx 

"24% of golfers say they have been diagnosed for Lyme at least"

voilà comme moi , mordue sur un terrain de golf en 2000
diagnostiquée en 2010 apres des années d'errance médicale

Golf courses are prime habitats for ticks, the tiny bloodsucking creatures, says a new study.

Wickmayer victime de la maladie de Lyme

Contrainte de mettre un terme à sa saison mi-octobre après avoir renoncé aux tournois de Pékin et de Tianjin, Yanina Wickmayer a annoncé avoir souffer...
maladie de lyme sans doute recente pour qu’elle soit remise aussi vite , quelle chance

CONNEXES Australians flock to overseas Lyme disease treatment Thousands of Australians are suffering from Lyme Disease and being diagnosed in overseas labs

Lyme disease national service needed: doctors

TWO pain experts are calling for a national specialist service centre for Lyme disease to help doctors diagnose and treat suspected chronic forms of the condition and increase rates of early diagnosis and intervention.