collecte section Bourgogne

New Lyme, ME/CFS & Fibro Book! Suffered Long Enough

After a lifetime of suffering unexplained fatigue, muscle and joint pains, OB/GYN physician WIlliam C Rawls MD struggled to keep up with his workload. He then had a tick bite with a rash, the sympt...

"Dr Rawls went through the usual hoops with mainstream medicine and tried out various drugs to help ease his symptoms, but he became frustrated with the mainstream’s lack of interest in finding the root cause of his poor health and decided to embark on his own journey of discovery with the aim of not only healing himself, but helping others to heal from chronic fatiguing conditions."
My review of the book. I think it's available on Kindle, either already, or on 10th November.
The book is a very holistic view of treating disease as a whole, with guides to herbal medications, supplements, detoxifications and lifestyle.