James Schaller, MD a ajouté 2 nouvelles photos.
Who has JUST LYME? No one. Who has just Lyme and Myco? No one. Routine to miss other infections with mere direct testing which is 10 year old DATED approach. Bartonella is 10-20x more common than Lyme. Deadly Babesia is a mere "co-infection" usually missed at good labs like IGeneX, MDL and Fry and terrible insensitive tick infection laboratories like Quest or Labcorp. Simple direct testing means it is USUALLY missed because the microt or duncani is not DNA or PCR positive and the antibodies are negative. Direct testing means you do not look for 20 things changed by Babesia, you just directly look for PCR [DNA] or antibodies of Babesia microti or duncani. This is old world testing. A useful tool but a very limited tool.
Use Quest and LabCorp in indirect testing and IGeneX, Fry and MDL and a rare couple others internationally for DIRECT testing. And each has some strong labs and others not as strong. Never, ever rule out any tick infection based on a direct negative test. Rule out infections with negative indirect testing, negative direct testing, poor history and symptoms that do not fit. My father was right--do this right and carefully or do not bother to do it at all.