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The long awaited 21st Century Cures Act passed Congress today, and it is ready to be signed into law by President Obama. This bill will focus on precision medicine (like the MSIDS model), Alzheimer's disease, finding cures for cancer, and among other things, Lyme disease.

The long awaited 21st Century Cures Act passed Congress today, and it is ready to be signed into law by President Obama. This bill will focus on precision medicine (like the MSIDS model), Alzheimer's disease, finding cures for cancer, and among other things, Lyme disease. As per a recent email that I received from Congressman Gibson's office: "This is the first law that will specifically require a focus on and reporting about tick borne diseases. It took years of work to get to this point and have tick-borne diseases begin to receive the national attention needed. We believe it is our best opportunity to date to press forward with the federal government to get new policies and procedures in place that address the scourge of Lyme and other TBDs, and to bring forward cures and solutions for our chronic Lyme sufferers and hopefully turn the corner on prevention and insurance company coverage, too...".
A large thank you goes out Congressman Gibson for getting the first version of the bill passed through the House, and I would like to extend a large thank you as well to all of the Lyme groups who made this possible, making sure the right language was contained in the bill. One of the next steps is for the new Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to appoint advocates to the TBD Working Group. I have offered to serve on this Congressional panel, and have the Lyme community receive the help that they so desperately need. As per Congressman Gibson in a recent email: "We believe it is vital that the new Administration be made aware of the importance of the Tick Borne Disease components of 21st Century Cures, and that the new Secretary of HHS appoints advocates like Dr. Horowitz and Pat Smith to the new Working Group. This should be requested both in direct advocacy with the HHS Secretary, and through Congressional input from our supporters in Congress". As per Congressman Gibson, please consider contacting the new Secretary of HHS (Georgia Congressman Tom Price) and Congressman John Faso, who will be replacing Congressman Gibson, if you would to see me serve on this important committee.…/senate-approves-21st-century-cures-…

The Senate approved the 21st Century Cures Act on Wednesday, and the president is expected to sign the bill into law.