collecte section Bourgogne

Pet Diseases to Watch for this Season ( ticks,fleas....)

Pet Diseases to Watch for this Season

However, one local veterinarian said while Lyme disease isn't too much of a worry around here other illnesses may pose a threat.Some veterinarians are predicting a higher risk for pets to get Lyme disease this fall and winter.
"We haven't really seen an increase in our number of cases. The more prevalent tick-borne illness is rocky mountain spotted fever or ehrlichia," said Dr. Adrienne Price, veterinarian Greystone Hospital.
They share a common thread, ticks, and you should be on the look out for the signs.
"They are all that same family. They are all transmitted by ticks, and so you see symptoms related to lameness. A dog may not want to walk, their joints may be swollen, they may be running a fever, and not eating. Those are the most common clinical signs we see," said Price.
Dr. Price made these suggestions to help make sure your pet is healthy.
"It's just always important to keep your animal, whether it be a cat or a dog, on a prevention. There are multiple products available for both ticks, fleas, and even heart worm disease. All of those diseases are transmitted by what we call a vector, whether it be a flea, a tick or a mosquito," said Price.
Pet owner Amy Silva took this advice and started early, and keeps up with periodic checkups for her dog.
"Well, when they're young they get their booster shots, and it's just a good habit to do. So, I usually keep up with it," said Silva.
And regular check ups at the vet will ensure your pets health.
For more information, you can go to this website for Companion Animal Parasite Council, also known as the CAPC.