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ILADS conference and the Autism conference

detailed notes on 2 conferences
from the BetterHealthGuy

ILADS conference and the Autism conference

On December 1-2, 2012, both ILADS and LIA Foundation held their online conference events.  Both organizations are superb and having to decide which event to go to was difficult.  I decided to go to parts of both.  Below you will find some of the highlights and notes that I took during the presentations.  These are rough notes and have not been revised significantly after the live event.
Note: These two organizations are entirely unrelated and just happened to be broadcast the same weekend.
Disclaimer: This information was taken as notes during the online conference events and may not represent the exact statements of the speakers.  Errors and/or omissions may be present.  These notes are not as polished as I generally like to attempt to be, but I did not want to delay them longer.  Please send any obvious errors to me and I will update.  Thanks
Disclaimer: Nothing in this text is intended to serve as medical advice.  All medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority.
Dr. Richard Horowitz - Treatment of Lyme Disease and Associated Tick-Borne Co-Infections (ILADS Event)
  • If you only treat Lyme and not the coinfections and other reasons that people are ill, they won't get better.
  • Created a map of why people do not get well in his over 12,000 patients.  Parasites may be the number one coinfection causing damage in patients.
  • New virus called Heartland virus that looks like Ehrlichia but is a virus.
  • Shutting down the inflammatory response even if the entire set of issues has not yet been treated will help make symptoms improve.
  • New book coming in 2013 that will discuss all of the 15 points that he looks at.  600 page book.
  • Heavy metals are often a factor.
  • Low testosterone is seen in men in 20s and 30s.
  • If not getting enough sleep, you continue to have higher IL-6 which leads to inflammation.
  • Patient has 15 nails in their foot and treating Lyme is only pulling out one of the nails.  Patients will improve if you use the map and look into all of the areas.
  • Borrelia has a very long replication time and some antibiotics are only effective during a replication cycle.
  • Blebs secreted by the organism continue to lead to a cytokine and inflammatory response.
  • People with Babesia and Lyme are much worse.  When Babesia is present, it suppresses your ability to get rid of other parasites.
  • Antibiotics don't work well with spirochetes in the skin, eye, ligaments, and joints.
  • Migratory symptoms are very common with Lyme.
  • ELISA is a worthless test at 56% sensitive.
  • IGeneX Western Blot better than Quest and LabCorp due to use of a different strain of Borrelia that is being used.  Any one Lyme-specific band with migratory symptoms is Lyme bingo - "Bingo, you have Lyme disease."
  • Article coming on new Borrelia culture which will help to show that it is accurate.
  • Clindamycin very useful for people with Babesia; including IV Clindamycin.
  • Have to combine drugs to address the different forms of Lyme disease.  Need a cell-wall drug, cystic drug, and intracellular drug simultaneously.
  • Use sugar-free, yeast-free diet and high doses of probiotics and Saccharomyces boulardii.
  • Biaxin XL, Doryx, Bicillin, Augmentin XL and other long-acting drugs often work well.
  • By far, most effective drug after 25 years is Bicillin unless IV is needed.  Use Emla or Lidocaine or ice beforehand and massage well afterward.
  • Patients may fail Ceftin but do well on Omnicef or vice versa.  May do well on Cedax or Suprax.
  • Always use Ursodiol with Rocephin to protect the gallbladder.  To protect liver, NAC, alpha-lipoic, Zhang Hepa #2, and milk thistle can be very helpful.
  • IV Vancomycin is surprisingly effective for people that have failed other IV drugs.  25-50mg Benadryl an hour before IV Vancomycin.
  • IV Clindamycin can be very useful for people that have failed all other Babesia treatment options.
  • Plaquenil (never seen an eye issue thus far; alkalizes intracellular compartments), grapefruit seed extract, Flagyl, Tinidazole useful for cystic forms.  70% of people with chronic Lyme have neuropathy and Flagyl and Tinidazole can cause these to increase.
  • Uses Zithromax more than Biaxin as Biaxin has more drug interactions.
  • Cannot mix macrolides with quinolones due to QT interval issues.
  • Minocycline has better penetration into CNS than doxycycline but can cause dizziness.
  • Uses alpha-lipoic acid and magnesium (away from antibiotics) to protect from tendon issues with quinolones.  As soon as there is a pain near a tendon, treatment is stopped.
  • Rifampin extremely useful for Bartonella, Tularemia, or Brucellosis.  Interacts with other drugs by lowering or raising their doses.
  • Nystain used in all patients to keep down yeast issues.  Adds 200 billion probiotics and Saccharomyces boulardii.
  • Using Plaquenil and Doxycycline may lead to cystic forms.  During first month after EM-rash, may use Plaquenil, Doxycycline, Rifampin with Flagyl or Tinidazole.  Then in second month, may rotate to other drugs.  The only way to cure the disease is to treat it early.
  • Need to treat coinfections early on as well and not wait until the disease becomes more chronic.  Chronic Babesia persists the same way Borrelia does.
  • Treat until symptom free and eventually rotate to an herbal therapy.
  • Septra or Bactrim helpful for people with Babesia or Bartonella.
  • Borrelia miyamotoi gives a Lyme-like illness with no positive ELISA or Western Blot.
  • Bartonella has been found in ticks; as has Mycoplasma genitalium, pneumoniae, and fermentans.
  • NF-Kb creates IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-a which lead to inflammation and many of the symptoms patients experience.
  • Can now get Anaplasma and Babesia with blood transfusion.
  • Need to test for Babesia WA-1 as well as Babesia microti.  20% test positive for Babesia WA-1 and it is no longer a west coast issue.
  • 100 other piroplasms cause symptoms like Babesia but negative lab results.
  • Mepron and Zithromax now show resistance.  Need higher doses or rotations of different regimens.
  • Coartem is very effective in many Babesia patients but must be off several other drugs 3 days before and after.
  • Artemisia, cryptolepis, and neem may be options for rotation for Babesia.
  • Babesia in pregnant women can be difficult to treat during the pregnancy.  Can use Clindamycin and macrolide.
  • Atypical cough and shortness of breath are potential signs of Babesia.
  • Cortef is safe in Lyme patients and will help improve immune status; other steroids not used.
  • Bartonella drives inflammation and pain.  Bartonella henselae found in ticks; quintana in lice; bacilliformis in sand flies.
  • After 1 year of treatment with 1 drug, were still Bartonella positive.  Tend to use two Bartonella drugs to increase outcomes.
  • Mycoplasma persists like Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella.  Mycoplasma may be an explanation for autoimmunity in some patients.
  • Chlamydia can be a cause of arthritis.  Heavy metal treatment may help here as there is a connection between heavy metals and Chlamydia.
  • Q-Fever is very difficult.  As big of a great imitator as any of the other bugs.
  • Powassan encephalitis can cause seizures.
  • EBV, HHV-6, and other viruses may be a factor.  RX antivirals don't seem to help much in Lyme patients.  Olive leaf extract or transfer factors may help.
  • Women tend to flare before, during, or after menstrual cycle.
  • Bartonella leads to much more severe neurological symptoms.
  • Lemons, lime, glutathione (up to 2000 mg), Alka-Seltzer Gold may help with Herxheimer reactions.
  • LDN with curcumin and Xymogen Nrf2 Activator can help with cytokines.
  • Infection, inflammation, and immune function must all be treated simultaneously or patients will not get well.
  • Neurotoxin treatment with Cholestyramine, Welchol, or Glutathione.
  • Zinc deficiency can lead to higher cytokine levels.
Nick Harris PhD - Markers for Chronic Lyme Disease (ILADS Event)
  • Chronic Lyme persists for more than a year after a tick-bite and antibiotic treatment.
  • 31, 34, and 83-93 usually take about a year to develop on a Western Blot.
  • C6 ELISA picked up less than 10% of cases.
  • IGeneX uses 297 and B31 strains of Borrelia and detects antibodies to strains in Americas, Europe, and Asia.  Even in Australia.
  • Highly-specific IgG bands are 23-25, 34, 39, and 83-93.  Each by itself is close to 95% specific.  IgM are 23-25, 34, and 39.
  • Band 31 needs confirmation to validate specificity.
  • 18, 41, and 58 are tick-borne disease specific for IgG while 41 and 83-93 are tick-borne disease specific for IgM.
  • Non-specific bands include 28, 30, 45, and 66.
  • IGeneX criteria is 2 bands of 23-25, 31, 34, 39, 41, and 83-93 (IgG only).
  • In terms of specificity, the two-tiered CDC ELISA / Western Blot approach is 100% specific whereas IGeneX IgG is 95.2% specific and IgM is 93% specific.  While the CDC criteria is more specific, it is far less sensitive meaning that it will produce many more false negative results.
  • Developed a new test called 31-epitope test that is uniquely Lyme-specific.  It is negative against viral panels, autoimmune panels, and syphilis panels.  Improves the specificity of the Western Blot for IgG and IgM.  Raises specificity to better than 97%.
Mason Kuhn MS - Scientific Support for the Effectiveness of Treating Children Comorbid with Lyme Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder (LIA Foundation)
  • Son diagnosed with autism at 24 months; same time wife was diagnosed with Lyme.
  • Son tested positive for bands 31 and 34 at IGeneX which are not part of other Western Blots.
  • Autism is multifactorial and overwhelms the body.  Lyme may be a key or the burning bush, but vaccinations, toxicity, and other factors are also likely involved.
  • MMR vaccine at 18 months may have pushed his son over the edge as that is when the autism symptoms really started; days after the MMR.
  • Top 25 states with highest autism show corresponding explosion of Lyme disease.
  • If autism is strictly genetic, cases of identical twins should be 100%, but this is not the case.  It is only 42-43%.  This does not correlate with a genetic-only theory.  Genetics play some role, but environmental factors are much more significant.
  • Tingling in fingers and toes is common in Lyme.  Children with autism may not be able to express that they have paresthesia which may be a factor in flapping of the hands in autism.
  • Has not heard of a case of autism that was drastically improved or "cured" with use of antibiotics.  Has not heard of many cases of patient or child with Lyme that did not use antibiotics at some point.  Antibiotics are important especially at early stages but other things are needed.
  • Heavy metals is a huge problem.  When Lyme compromises the immune system, it cannot properly detoxify.
  • They used zeolite and found it be very helpful for heavy metals.  Natural foods were very helpful.  Cilantro as a food is a great detoxifier.  They chop it up, boil it, and mix it in with juice like a tea.
  • Monolaurin was helpful for Candida.
  • Super C Complex from Health Quest has liposomal glutathione, liposomal resveratrol, liposomal curcumin, liposomal CoQ-10, and liposomal Vitamin C has been helpful.
Christina Adams MFA - The Benefits and Realities of Camel Milk Therapy for ASD (LIA Foundation)
  • Huge blessing for so many families according to Tami Duncan.  Feels there is both physical and spiritual treatment that happens with the camel milk.
  • Her son started camel milk at 9 and is now 15.
  • Autism File magazine available here.
  • Oasis Camel Dairy in Ramona, CA.
  • Results in the camel milk world are often very, very fast.
  • They started with 1/2 a cup and saw immediate results and then increased to 1 cup a day and saw some negative symptoms so went back to 1/2 cup.  Best every 2-3 days.
  • Had a 30% overall improvement with the camel milk.
  • Her son does not tolerate dairy but does well with the camel milk.  Has a different type of casein.
  • 8 liters per camel per day can be produced.  She imported from Israel even with it being available in the US as Israel has excellent quality.
  • In the US, a female camel costs $12,000.
  • Camels have unique immunology.  Camel immunoglobulins may be very similar to humans.
  • Camel milk is a superfood.
  • Seems to help with conditions that are driven by inflammation.  Inflammation is a difficult cycle to break.  Aspirin, steroids, immunosuppressant drugs, and camel milk may have the ability to break the cycle.
  • Has been helpful in Crohn's disease and Tuberculosis.
  • Some studies on food allergies suggest that camel milk may help improve food allergies.  Needs more research.  Did not cure food allergies for her son but did reduce them.
  • Autism has an active inflammatory component.  Soil-based organisms, antivirals, diets, IVIG, minocycline, fevers improve the immune system in autism.
  • Motor skills are one of the early things that improve.
  • Improvements seen: spatial awareness, increased motor skills, increased language, increased cognition, increased self-direction, greater empathy, better sleep, increased growth, resolution of skin issues, formed stools, lack of bloating, calmness, decreased sensory issues, better tolerance of carbohydrates and sugars without negative behaviors, decrease in behavioral problems.
  • Negative things seen: OCD, tic or motor movement, hyperactivity, irritability, silliness, face turning momentarily red.
  • Responders: children with allergic issues, GI issues.  Skin issues, dark circles under the eyes.
  • Non-responders: kids already controlled for inflammation, kids with no immune dysfunction, severe ASD.  Not suggested with galactosemia.
  • Results may not be permanent but time between usage can often be stretched out.
  • Powdered camel's milk seems to be the most expensive.  Raw appears to have more efficacy than heated.  Raw fresh then raw frozen then powdered or heated seem to be the order of efficacy.
  • It is illegal to ship raw milk across state lines thus not easily available.  FDA says you cannot ship raw across state lines. has legal issues. also has information.
  • 1/2 cup per day seems to be the minimal dose for adults to see an effect.
  • If cerebral-folate deficiency or folate receptor antibodies are present, may not be a candidate for camel milk or may need further evaluation.  May have to go with empirical evidence in terms of how the child responds to the treatment with camel milk.  Only 16% of ASD kids may have decreased folate transport to cerebral fluid and may need Leucovorin.
  • Foreign sources are available.  Need letter for doctor to import.
  • Cost is approximately $5 dollars per cup in the US.  From Israel, runs $4.70 a cup.  Powder is $6.30 per cup.
  • Lasts in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or over a year in the freezer.  Blending may damage the milk.
  • She drinks it herself three times a week.
  • Facebook Group Healing with Camel Milk
Dr. Suruchi Chandra - Clinical Perspectives on the Autism and Environment Connection (LIA Foundation)
  • Moving to Northern California.
  • Mounting evidence connecting autism and environmental toxins.
  • ASD is multifactorial: environmental toxins, microbes, genetic vulnerabilities.
  • Epigenetics is the interaction between the environment and our genes.
  • 10-20% of ASD kids recover and lose their ASD diagnosis entirely.
  • It is the combination of toxins, not just one toxin, that build-up over time in the mother and the child.
  • In one study, over 200 toxins were found in newborns.
  • Difficult to test for and identify toxins when they are chronic.
  • Best outcomes come from working on multiple levels at the same time.
  • Top Toxins with ASD: lead, methylmercury, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, endocrine disruptors, automotive exhaust, polycrylic aromatic hydrocarbons, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated compounds.
  • Going from conventional produce to organic showed a significant reduction in toxins in only 5 days in one study.
  • Majority of ASD children have some GI disturbance.  GI Flora is often imbalanced.
  • Bacteria in the gut can impact which toxins and forms of toxins are absorbed into the body.  Fermented foods help to degrade toxins including pesticides and BPA.
  • Children with ASD may have higher rates of sulfate reducing bacteria which converts mercury to more harmful methyl-mercury.
  • For constipation, magnesium citrate, Vitamin C, probiotics, fibers, prebiotics, hydration, movement, and herbs may be used. Miralax is not approved for use in children and only for seven days in adults.  When leaky gut may be present, Miralax may not be ideal.
  • Chlorella and chitosan may help the body to excrete pesticides and metals.
  • For dysbiosis, probiotics, prebiotics, fibers, fermented foods, stress reduction, dietary changes, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics and treated meats, and targeting pathogenic biofilms can help.  Possible future treatments: herbs and human probiotics.
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction is present in 50-80% of kids with ASD.  Toxins may impact the mitochondria.  Heavy metals, propionic acid, bacterial toxins, tobacco smoke, rotenone, diesel exhaust, and fat soluble chemicals with benzene rings such as hair dyes and paint fumes could be factors that impact mitochondria.
  • Common symptoms of mitochondrial issues include fatigue, muscle weakness, low muscle tone, motor delay, failure to thrive.
  • Tests for dysfunction include ammonia, plasma aminos, lactate, pyruvate, acylcarnitine levels, free and total carnitine, creatine kinase, and urine organic acids.
  • Vitamin K seems to protect the mitochondria.  Foods high in antioxidants are helpful.
  • Higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids are a factor in mitochondrial dysfunction.  Coconut, palm oil, or butter are good options.
  • Treatment may consist of a mitochondrial cocktail with biotin, niacin, CoQ10, lipoic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, carnitine, B1, B5, B2, copper if low, selenium.
  • Holistic treatment includes avoiding toxins, avoiding medications that impact mitochondria, herbs, high antioxidant foods, reducing omega-6 oils, and treating infections.
  • Ehrilichia can impact the mitochondria.
  • 40% of ASD kids have anxiety; possibly higher.  Higher cortisol often present but low can be as well.
  • Exposure to toxin testing: heavy metals in blood/urine/hair, solvents in blood/plasma, urine pesticides.
  • Indirect tests are mitochondrial markers, oxidative stress markers, and immune markers.
  • GI testing: stool microbiology and urine organic acids as well as IgG foods.
  • Magnesium - protective of nervous system; often low in ASD.
  • Creatine - protects neuronal system and mitochondrial.
  • NAC - helps with irritability by dealing with environmental toxins.  May reverse mitochondrial dysfunctions and increase glutathione.  May feel sulfate-reducing bacteria in some children.  Cream version may work better in some.
  • Phos-Serine can help with excess cortisol.
  • Homeopathy can help with detoxification - Laser Energetic Detox from Dr. Lee Cowden.  Detox Support vial followed by toxins, foods, and then autoimmunity vials in sequence.
  • Autoimmunity may be the body's response to environmental toxins.
  • Herbs - well-tolerated and complex/multifactorial.  Green tea has L-theanine which may help with toxins but don't use green tea often due to the caffeine. Bacopa helpful for memory, cognition, decreases oxidative stress, protects mitochondrial, supports glutathione.
  • Adaptogens - help the body get back into balance after a stressor.  Rhodiola is one of the best studied.  Helps with ATP production and protects against herbicides.  Ashwaganda protects mitochondria.  Various ginsengs and maca may be helpful.
  • Arsenic - can be found in rice, chicken, apple juice, water, and pressure-treated wood.  May have negative epigenetic effects and impact the immune system, adrenals, and methylation.
  • Nervous system, immune system, GI system, and endocrine system are all inter-related.  One toxin may impact all of these systems.
  • Identify exposures, remove exposures, treat multiple systems at a time.
  • Mold toxins can have as harmful effects on children if not more - up to 20-fold worse than environmental toxins according to Dr. Cowden.
George Gonzalez DC - Holographic Healing (LIA Foundation)
  • Applies quantum physics principles to the nervous system to improve human performance.
  • A rainbow is a holographic projection of light through water.  Life is a holographic projection of light through our nervous system.
  • We are made of light and we occur in light.
  • Yawn field - others begin to yawn when you see someone else yawn.  This is common amongst mammals.  Same effect happens watching something on a television show.  This effect is outside of time and space.
  • Sympathetic - flight or fight.  Parasympathetic - rest and digest.  We should add "heal" to parasympathetic.  Looks very much like yawning.
  • When you activate responses such as a yawn, the nervous system is moving into the right state.
  • Modern science believes that it knows everything already.  If something is not profitable, it is not worth looking into.  We need to leave room in our understanding of our nervous system for things that have not been discovered yet.
  • The cell is the holographic representation of the nervous system.
  • Thoughts, emotions, and everything we are is an entire nervous system experience.
  • Capillaries allow only one cell to pass through at a time.  Items that are larger are dumped into the lymphatics.  70% of our detoxification is through breathing and then goes to the liver.
  • Lymphatic chains in the front and back of neck, down the underarms, chest, groin, and center of abdomen.  You can physically move the debris.
  • Antiperspirants will clog up the lymphatics.  Suggests crystal deodorants with no aluminum.
  • Right side drains the right side of head, chest and right arm.  Left side drains everything else.  Lymphatics are a passive system.
  • Move debris out of the lymphatics with a simple exercise.  Rub your chest by crossing your arms to the other side diagonally from shoulder downward towards sternum.  Then from the ear down towards neck using opposite arm.  Then you clap and drag one hand upward towards chest; do on each side.  Next, from naval up center of body.  Then from lower groin upwards using both hands on each side and then back to center and back to chest.
  • Cranial nerve 10 - one of the most important in the nervous system.  Hand on back of head is where cranial nerves originate and exit the brain.  Can place hand on back of child's head with loving kindness to impact change in nervous system.
  • Cranial nerve 10 or Vagus Nerve - primary nerve responsible for parasympathetic actions of most of your body.  Speaking and swallowing are controlled by cranial nerve 10.  Put hand on back of head and drink water out of a straw at same time.  Could also use light therapy on the back of head or magnet while drinking from a straw to activate or stimulate.  Action of swallowing is very important.
  • Suggests you can use any light device that is not heat generating.  Prefers red light.  Can place light on back of head and have child start speaking.  Has them say "cuh, cuh, cuh, juh, juh, juh", etc. to activate each tongue action.
  • Shared story of needing to work on a sick relative from a distance.  If you can project the original DNA blueprint onto the nervous system, we can move it towards healing.  Had brother-in-law take cotton swab and rub cheek and put in a bag and take the light and shine it through the swab all over the relative's body to remind the body of the proper blue print.  They took all of the genetically-linked family members and took their DNA and did the same thing.  The relative normalized.  Can use DNA to project a healthy blueprint onto the nervous system.
  • Photonpheresis - need a light-therapy device and a genetic/DNA sample.  To work on yourself, get DNA from your own body from an earlier time in your life if that is available.  Could use samples from parents (hair, saliva, etc.).  Could use samples from siblings if they had both of the same parents.  They keep a DNA sample of their daughter in a safe.  Daughter's DNA contains your history and ancestry.  Shine the light source through the plastic bag with the DNA inside.
  • Does not recommend saliva, but cheek swab. Hair samples are good.  Baby teeth would be ideal.  Can be done as often as you like.  Often once a day.
  • If no DNA is available, could use a photograph or X-Ray from an earlier, healthier time in your life.
  • This approach is called Holographic Transfer.
  • Tami Duncan mentioned using the SOTA product as a light source -
Michael Payne - Solamar Solutions: Advanced Concepts in Energetic Medicine for Children with Autism (LIA Foundation)
  • Working ten years now in recovering children with autism.
  • Has MDs, PharmDs, and MomDs - has learned a lot from the moms.
  • Cannot help the complex patient with a focus on chemistry.  Have to look at the subtle energy body.
  • Energy = Matter = Information; these are the same.
  • It is a toxic cabal of fungus, parasites, strep, staph, clostridia, heavy metals, virus, prions, EMF, radiation, stealth viruses, water, fluoride, iPhone, cordless phones, fracking, Fukushima, drug side effects, etc.
  • Works with ZYTO with people around the world.
  • People with MS, Parkinson's, Lyme, cancer, autism can have similar issues.  The interruption of the subtle energy system is involved in all of these.
  • Vaccines cause brain damage in the brainstem.  Can map the brain through the ZYTO.
  • We will not be able to conquer the new toxic world with only biochemical interventions.
  • A neurotoxic brainstem may be the threshold event for hypervascularity and microglia activation in Lyme and autism.  Imbalances in the immune system allows opportunistic infections to flourish.
  • Increased inflammatory cytokines result in an ongoing brush fire in the brain.
  • Immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system talk to each other via cytokines.  When there is a brush fire in the brain, healing cannot occur.
  • Parasympathetic system activates Th1; sympathetic activates Th2.  We tend to become Th2 dominant.
  • Tubulin acts as a light pipe.  Microtubules and dendrites are the internet of the body.
  • Breakdowns in methylation are important but are not the first things we should be talking about.  We need to focus on how the body organizes its energy systems.
  • In energetic testing, if you ask the higher questions, you get the higher answers.
  • Once you have had consistent inflammation, you no longer have a blood-brain barrier.  Maxam C60 and collagen with hyaluronic acid along with a series of Hans Nieper minerals may be used to help re-seal the brain.
  • Leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky veins.
  • More than two root canals may have an impact on the heart.  Uses lasers and clay packs to reduce dental stress which is a huge factor in chronic illness.
  • Chronic sinus infections such as MARCoNS.  This has a direct impact on the organs and ability to detoxify.
  • Uses 1/2 tsp of manuka honey and apple cider vinegar used with an enzyme with venous fly trap followed by oil pulling with coconut oil and parasite therapy and swish for 10-15 minutes.  Helps Th1/Th2 imbalance.
  • Looks at intestinal dysbiosis and calls this "the bad boy bucket".  See so many parasites blocking progress/recovery.  Often in the last six feet of the intestines.
  • For women with Lyme, using parasite medications in a retention enema and as a douche.  Liver/gallbladder flushes are also used.
  • MMS seems to work well.
  • Neuro-immune loop is incredible.  Vaccines impact this piece of the subtle energy system.
  • Uses oligominerals to rebuild.  Unique supplements like inosine and uridine.
  • Lyme is really in there, but it may be miasmic.  Bartonella and Babesia (often seen in MS and Parkinson's) are often present.
  • Solamar includes pulsed laser, bio-energetic reset, advanced homeopathy, targeted nutrition, natural detoxification, and whole food therapy.
  • Likes products from Physica Energetics.
  • Raw food and juicing are often helpful.
  • Has 35 supplements that he tests for the brain.  Zebrafish extracts, jellyfish products, etc.  Nebulizes homeopathy.
  • Crown jewel of the last few years has been his work with Pulsed Technologies products.  These are frequency-based solutions.  It is not just about killing bugs like Rife.  This is not just a machine gun; it is a symphony.
  • Treatment is about electrical restoration of the body.
Dr. Joseph Burrascano - Lyme Disease History and Basics (ILADS)
  • Less than 50% remember a tick bite or have an EM rash.
  • Every patient should have a physical exam with every office visit.
  • Symptoms generally wax and wane in a four week cycle.  Suggests keeping a calendar to observe potential patterns.  With each flare, the symptoms may be different and migratory.  Can have major antigenic shifts every four weeks and minor shifts every 3-5 days.
  • Commercial serologies based on 1 or 2 strains.  Doesn't use ELISA.  Western Blot is a subjective test when interpreted by the lab tech.  Band criteria interpretation is important.  Only uses IGeneX for Western Blots.  Some viral infections can lead to false positives.
  • Spinal taps 9-11% sensitive and miss 90% of patients.
  • Sicker patients have more false negative test results.
  • PCR could reflect old DNA and dead spirochetes.  Blood may have compounds that make PCR testing very low sensitivity.
  • Likes urine antigen testing as it is a direct tests but still has low sensitivity.  Not accepted by insurance.
  • Many different T cell stimulation tests but found up to 53% false positive in one study.
  • Borrelia culture is available commercially now.  If positive, you have Borrelia at the time the blood was drawn.  No one can convince him that Borrelia is "normal flora".
  • CDC accepts a positive blood culture as evidence of Lyme and has been used for insurance coverage of IV therapy.
  • Requires larger volumes of blood which may not be ideal for children; lower volumes of blood lead to reduced sensitivity.
  • To maximize sensitivity, should be off antibiotics for 3 or more weeks before doing blood draw.
  • Sickest patients show positive culture earlier; often within the first week.
  • 94% sensitivity and 100% specific.
  • CD57 will be depressed after a year or more.  Degree of depression reflects severity of illness.  Does not increase during treatment but jumps after treatment is successful and complete.
  • C4a level will reflect state of improvement.
  • Would do Western Blot and blood culture along with CD57 and C4a as initial testing.
  • End point of treatment best judged by CD57, C4a, and clinical symptoms.
  • Women may need longer treatment than men.
  • After a year of treatment, the immune system becomes depressed and chronic Lyme begins.
  • Looking at tissue samples, there are often very few organisms in the body.  They secrete huge amounts of biologically active compounds that lead to cytokines.
  • Biofilms complicate treatment and are formed by Borrelia.  It is a gelatin-like substance that encases the organisms.  Gets harder over time and difficult to treat.  100% bleach could not kill Borrelia once it was in a biofilm.
  • Some believe that Rifampin may be able to penetrate biofilm but there is not enough evidence at this point.
  • Treatment strategies - informed consent, antibiotic regiment, biofilm busters.  Borrelia can quickly develop resistance.
  • Often uses a pulsed therapy to do full-dose treatment but with breaks to minimize Herxheimer reactions.
  • Have to consider the different forms of Borrelia, decreasing chances of resistance, and addressing coinfections when coming up with a treatment combination.
  • Recommends checking blood levels of antibiotics.  Some people don't absorb medications well and may have low blood levels.
  • Doxycycline works much better as an IV than it does orally.  Need a peak level once a day for optimal effect.
  • Need to consider the different compartments (fluids and tissues) in determining drug coverage.
  • If he were in practice now, he would use far more IV than he did in the past.
  • Pulsed therapy is often used.  Treat for 3 days on and 4 days off per week or a similar approach.  Seems to be just as effective as daily therapy.  In some cases, can use double the antibiotic on the "on" days.  Zithromax is long-acting and cannot be pulsed very well.  Tinidazole and Metronidazole need 14 days to work so may be 14 days on and 14 days off.  This is only for Borrelia and pulsed therapy is generally not used for coinfection therapies.
  • Cycle therapy is used when a plateau is reached.  You stop therapy, wait for symptoms to return, and then retreat.  This cycle is then repeated.  Allows the bugs to re-emerge and then be addressed by treatment.
  • Biofilms may be impacted by Samento and Banderol.  Enzymes such as Boluoke and Nattokinase may have an effect but need more studies.
  • Chronic Lyme patients often have nerve damage.  IVIG can heal nerves and may be an excellent option.  It heals the fine nerve fibers.
  • Borrelia become far more toxic when alcohol is consumed.  Drinking alcohol is not allowed.
  • Enforced rest is critical.  Emotional support, nutritional supplements, and a specific exercise program are also critical.
  • Coinfections are present in every chronic Lyme patient.  If they are not, that is an exception.
There was an excellent lecture from Tami Duncan on Vibrational Healing that I was only able to catch the last portion of as it was at the same time as Dr. Burrascano, but I am looking forward to listening to the recording.  You can still get the recordings of these sessions from Tami and they were excellent.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD - Heavy Metals and Chronic Infections in Autism (LIA Foundation)
  • Moms are the natural healers in the family.  They play the role of the physician and the healer of the family.
  • Training it autism was largely thanks to Dana Gorman who brought her child to him and forced him into a rapid learning curve.
  • About 1/4 of the work at their new clinic is related to children and the rest is adults with neurological problems.
  • Inner toxic burden is changing us as humans and provides the backdrop for many illnesses.
  • In the last 20 years, has focused on the microbial terrain which is an increasing source of most chronic illness.
  • Theory on autism is that it is driven by a changed outer terrain (electromagnetic fields; no safety studies have been done; proteins are changed; we are changed) and the toxic terrain (environmental toxins).  It is acquired in the womb from the transfer of toxins and microbes from mother to child.  Vaccines and toxins within them often are the final stressor.
  • Two big breakthroughs in last 2 years - GcMAF (has been incredibly successful especially for the chronic viruses) and the BX antitoxin.  BX is injected once a month into the children and is a revolution.
  • Worked with Amy Derksen and tested 10 children with autism for Lyme and 8 of 10 were positive for Lyme.  It is one of the big ones, or the big one, it autism.
  • With Lyme, we have an infection present within us that invades the very cells (WBCs) within us that should be protecting us from the infection.
  • Borrelia garinii responsible for more neurological presentations.
  • Borrelia has been found in a man that died over 5000 years.  Was a healthy 45 year old that was murdered; did not die from illness.  Traditional treatment in Italy for symptoms related to this was high-dose niacin.  It is an overlooked treatment modality.
  • Borrelia infection does not require a tick bite.  Studies show it is transferred by mosquito bites.  These are not "tick-borne diseases".  Stinging flies, spiders, horse flies, and others carry Lyme disease spirochetes.
  • They use IGeneX labs for the Western Blot.  In Europe, they use the LTT-Ellispot.  Has a very high correlation with his muscle testing system, ART.
  • Antibodies found with Western Blot only found if the immune system is still fairly well running.  They first treat the children for 4-6 weeks with antimicrobials and then do the Western Blot to maximize the test sensitivity.
  • Coinfections are those obtained from the same bite as the Borrelia.  Babesia is the one that impacts the brain and stomach in the kids.  Babesia FISH test from IGeneX is very good when positive but still many false negatives.
  • Stephen Fry MD is a brilliant doctor in Arizona that identified FL1953 / protomyxzoa rheumatica.  Responds to similar drugs as Babesia.
  • Ehrlichia related to pain in the body.
  • Rickettsia - most prevalent in Switzerland.
  • Bartonella - from cat drool.  Dogs are not as bad for health, but cats are.  Invasive neurological disease that also causes a lot of joint problems.  Cats are a major invasive species and each cat is responsible for 160 songbird deaths a year.  They carry Bartonella, Toxoplasmosis.  Both can be transferred to the fetus.  Bartonella is more damaging to the fetus than Lyme.
  • Mycoplasma is found in ticks and other insects.  It is huge but they find it may not be as significant in the expression of Lyme or autism.  Treated with rizol oils.  They are quite vulnerable to oxygenation and ozonation.  Oils used orally or rectally. Do not see the dramatic improvements with mycoplasma treatment as the other microbes.
  • Opportunistic infections cause most of the symptoms.  His favorite are the parasites; the elephant in the living room.  Autistic kids are often full of parasites and affect the mind and the brain.  New kid on the block is lungworm.  Adults and children both have this microscopic roundworm that is immuno-suppressive.  Found commonly in autistic kids.  Ivermectin and inhaled alcohol or SSKI is used but is a difficult treatment that needs to be done for 1-2 years.  See unbelievable improvements when treating this.
  • Medical drugs are more benign for parasite treatment than natural options.  Primarily use medical drugs.
  • Mold is not the primary issue.  It becomes an issue when there is a disrupting, intracellular microbe.  Shoemaker is the world expert for mold illness. Mold does not want to kill us unless it is threatened.  They are threatened by EMFs (cell phones) and the toxins within us.
  • Viruses are always there.  Antivirals often lead to good improvement and Valtrex is still commonly used.  They are a piece of dead information floating around within us.  Using GcMAF to address viruses.
  • Does not use antibiotics except in rare exceptions in adults or children.  Not against it.  Supports ILADS approaches.
  • Treatment of Lyme - Balance basic biochemistry (pH, electrolytes, HPU), remove biotoxins and man-made toxins, immune modulation, reduce microbial burden.
  • Energy medicine: Rife, BEMER PEMF mat, AN-DI, ZYTO.
  • Oxygen: HBOT, ozone
  • Biochemistry is only a small part of the overall picture.
  • Targeted spiritual and mental work is important.  This includes MFT, PK, and Family Constellation work.
  • The extracellular matrix is loaded with environmental toxins.  Healthiest child had 160 of 200 toxins that were tested.
  • The microbes within us create a veil of toxins within us that makes them invulnerable to the immune system.  They use DMPS, DMSA, EDTA, alpha-lipoic acid.  They also remove mold toxins and other biotoxins.  BX anti-toxin is a new kid on the block here.  Will likely become a major player for many.
  • Immune system responds to the toxins and microbes within us.  Immune modulation is important in treatment to ensure appropriate immune responses.  PANDAS is a few strep bugs living in the tonsils that create a biotoxin that blind the WBCs.  As a response, the WBCs attach every tissue in the body that have similar markers as the strep.  These are brain, kidney, and joints.  Tonsils look fine because the inappropriate immune response is happening outside the tonsils.
  • Homeopathy, laser treatment (Gonzalez) are good approaches for immune modulation.  These are not killing the bugs.  Making the response calm, targeted, and intelligent.  Recognize foe from friend.  They use KLM (Klinghardt Light Modulation) and break laser light into a line a beam a culture of Lyme disease into the field of a patient for 90 seconds or so to correct the immune response and wind down hyper-immunity and wake up other aspects.
  • Reducing the microbes is the last step.  Could be antibiotics, MMS, Klinghardt cocktail, or other strategies.
  • 10 overlooked issues with Lyme
    • Mold -
    • Parasites - excellent results with antiparasitic drugs.
    • EMR / EMF exposure - University of Athens showed in a study that cordless phones or wireless in the phone destroys 143 different proteins in the body.  Fuses must be off at night, cordless phones must be removed, no baby monitors, no alarm systems, no wireless.  EMF-blocking paint and silver cloths are often used.
    • Dental issues - occlusion (poor bite)
    • Methylation blocks - Richard Deth PhD.  Huge amount of literature that shows trauma in the womb or at birth changes that way DNA is methylated.  Most common cause is early trauma or trans-generational trauma.
    • HPU - see article on  Often use "The Core" from BioPure.
    • CCSVI - infections live in inner-lining of blood vessels (venous system).  Causes stenosis which impairs the outflow and as a result the inflow.  40 children in Europe scanned for CCSVI and 30 were severely positive.  2 kids had the balloon procedure.  In 3-4 days, both kids lost their ASD diagnosis.  BX anti-toxin improves venous drainage in the anterior neck.
    • Desynchronized brain waves - CES unit from or brain wave biofeedback (Alex Sanchez 321-289-6708).
    • Tonsillitis / PANS / PANDAS - tonsil cryotherapy, ozone injections, and intranasal beneficial flora.
    • Decreased regulatory neuropeptides - MSH, OXT (oxytocin), ADH, VIP, and Melatonin are common issues.  With ADH being low, most kids are dehydrated.  Oxytocin should always be given with ADH.  When you give medical oxytocin, cells downregulate the number of receptors and when you stop the medical treatment, things get work.  When given homeopathic, this negative effect is not an issue.  5 drops twice a day of homeopathic oxytocin.
  • Glutathione helps to move mold toxins out of the cells when used in conjunction with alpha-lipoic acid.
  • Microbes in the system are dealt with through oxidation in the body.  When we give oral antioxidants, we are helping the microbes.  Antioxidants may be providing the microbes with protection.  They use antimicrobials in the morning (yang time) and antioxidants in the afternoon and evening.
  • Zinc has been shown to reduce impacts of E. Coli toxin.
  • Manganese greatly reduces biotoxins by factor of 4000 times less toxic.  All kids have biotoxin-producing microbes.  Using manganese and zinc works well for 90% of kids.
    • BX Antitoxin - photochemical catalyst that modifies the toxic secretion of stealth bacterium through oxidative means and restores mitochondrial activity.  Ehrlichia has been found in the mitochondria and responsible for mitochondrial illness.  Living microbes are found in the mitochondria which impacts ATP.  The stealth bacteria dies with BX Antitoxin.  Some have used 1/4 cc once per month for a 40 lb. person.  Injection on day 1, day 21, and then 6 week intervals for a year.  Results often seen in one injection.  Couple hundred dollars per shot but cost effective for what it does.  There is a Herxheimer reaction; often a fever for 3-4 days.  Don't use Tylenol as it suppresses glutathione.  Extremely safe and very effective.  Fantastic for adults with chronic fatigue.
    • Mold treatment - uses Sid Baker's anti-fungal parade.  Diflucan also effective with Lyme.  The "azoles" are also antiparasitic drugs beyond just antifungal drugs.  Itraconazole has been shown to extend lifespan. Rizols are very useful here.
    • Use homeopathic peptides - HARMONY is a combination of all of the peptides.  MSH, VIP, ADH, OXY, MAF, detox agents, immune modulators, etc.
    • Parasites - not a single good lab in the US.  Neurocysticercosis - parasite in the brain.  Found in Orthodox Jewish community implying that if they have it, needs to be looked at in everyone.  Only dead parasites live in the poop.  Living parasites live in the lungs, CNS, and other places in the body.
    • Schistosomiasis - parasite that is second most prevalent tropical disease.  Parasites don't need passports and they do exist in the US.
    • E. Histolytica - may use neem, garlic, Metronidazole.  Diagnos-Techs in Seattle is a good lab for these amoeba parasites.
    • Testosterone increases the transmission potential of Babesia.  Lives in the CNS and vascular walls.  When dealing with androgen issues in autistic kids, consider Babesia.  The microbes may upregulate androgens and high dose Vitamin A or homeopathic testosterone might be used to reduce testosterone.
    • Parasite treatments 
      • Rectal artemisinin and garlic via suppository
      • Oral mimosa pudica 1-2 grams twice daily
      • Frequent enemas and colonics and no grain, no sugar diet
      • Lyme cocktail
      • Biltricide, Ivermectin, Pyrantel Pamoate, Albendazole, Alinia, Metronidazole, Tinidazole, rectal and oral MMS.
    • Immune modulation - "The response of the host makes the disease".  High serum and or hair calcium is an indication of Th1 mediated immune reaction.  T-reg cells suppress inflammatory response.  CD4+CD25+ from Quest can be an indicator as discussed by Shoemaker.  Most antibiotics are also metal chelators.  Rocephin decreases glutamate in the CNS.  Klinghardt Light Modulation (KLM) is a way to downregulate the immune system.
    • CCSVI - iron is often found around the anterior neck veins when CCSVI is present.  Try BX Antitoxin first as a way to help with CCSVI.  Liposomal artemisinin is a very useful treatment.
    • Vasculitis - Parvo B19, CMV, VZV, Staph, Rickettsia, Treponema pallidum, Borrelia and many other microbes can be involved and have been found in the inner-lining of the blood vessels. These microbes are involved in the narrowing of the veins.
    • Need to work on heavy metals, BX Antitoxin, and binders as primary approaches with CCSVI treatment.
    • 70% of autistic kids have HPU.  Can be diagnosed with a urine test.  Peeing out the factors that you need to make glutathione.  Low glutathione often related to HPU and loss of co-factors needed to make glutathione.
    • Methylation cycle changes are the result of stress and trauma of the mother or her parents.  Treatment often works but does not address the root cause.  Family Constellation and other similar work with the mother or father is often a significant treatment.  Treatment - Family Constellation, PK, MFT, Homeo-K (Methyl, Harmony, Tilo) with The Core, Folate, B12, Glycine, SAMe.
    • Bugs in the brain - research shows that Borrelia and other microbes are found in the brain.  There is no Alzheimer's disease without Lyme spirochetes and HSV-1 in the brain, when combined with genetic predispositions.  Judy Miklossy's research is superb in this area.  Bartonella can cause encephalopathic symptoms and can be in the brain.  Bartonella is so common that every dentist should be looking for it.  Many dentists get Bartonella from their patients.
    • If you have a Babesia infection, leads to impaired liver detoxification related to P450 pathways.  Treating the Babesia often leads to self-correction.
    • Debugging the brain 
      • Lyme cocktail
      • BX Antitoxin
      • Homeo-K
      • HPU
    • Chlorella during pregnancy and breast feeding greatly reduces transfer of toxins from mother to child.
    • Porphyrin test - precoproporphyrin is an indication of mercury and coproporphyrin an indicator for lead.
    • Always a balance between toxins, infections, and unresolved trauma.  You cannot reduce one without reducing all of them.
    • Metal detox - uses largely natural substances
      • Protect the kidneys with electrolytes, MicroMinerals and M-Water.
      • Chlorella - 20 tablets 3 times per day for acute phase or 20 tablets at bedtime for chronic.  During herxing, up to 300 tablets per day have been safely used.
      • MicroSilica - huge toxin binding agent in the gut for metals and biotoxins.  1 scoop 1-2 times per day in lemon water away from food.
      • Cilantro - 1-2 pipettes before each meal.
      • Homeo-K Merc - 6 drops twice daily
      • Matrix Metals - 2-8 sprays twice daily
    • TGFb1 - inflammatory marker that is high when Babesia is present.  May also be a marker for mold.  
      • GcMAF - activates macrophages which have Vitamin D3 receptor that atrophies when you have chronic illness.  Nagalase is an indicator but an unreliable one in some that still benefited from treatment.  < 0.8 is normal.  Like to use 5 drops twice a day of Homeo-K MAF in kids and injection in adults or cancers. Phenomenal advance in treatment.
      • PANDAS - OCD, tics, ADHD.  Have to try everything to get the tonsils removed in the kids.  In kids that were not vaccinated, removing the tonsils don't seem to help as much as removing the tonsils in kids that were vaccinated.
      • PANDAS -> PANS - some had Lyme disease, mold, viruses, and other things besides strep and yet had the same basic presentation of PANDAS.  GcMAF is helpful.
      • EMF treatment - Faraday canopy during sleep time,
      • Biofilms - calcium, magnesium, iron, and toxic metals are part of biofilms.  Vinegar in water with honey can help break down biofilms.  Enzymes have not been very useful.  MicroSilica, oral DMPS, and curcumin can be helpful.  Liposomal compounds can penetrate biofilms.  Iron chelators like Desferal and liposomal artemisinin have been helpful.  Cistus incanus tea is very effective in breaking down biofilms. 4-6 cups per day.
      • Liposomal artemisinin - helpful for Babesia, Lyme, and Bartonella as well as many parasites and viruses.
      • Biological Co-Infection Cocktail (BCC) is the new name for the Klinghardt Lyme Cocktail.  Can be used rectally as well.  Cryptolepis is also very effective when made liposomal.
      • HHV-6: garlic and GcMAF.  Homeo K-MAF 4-5 drops twice a day.
      • Increasing MSH: Homeo K MSH, addressing MARCoNS, Pleo-Rec 2 drops in each nostril daily, Neti-pot (100cc distilled water, 1 flat teaspoon of manuka honey), healthy E. Coli and other healthy probiotics nasally.
      • Summary for treatment of autism:
        • Cleanup the body with antimicrobial and antiparasitic strategies
        • Cleanup the metals with natural options and DMPS (does not use DMSA as it can be a problem with yeast in the gut).  Does not use EDTA suppositories.  Chlorella (more is better)
        • GcMAF to restore the immune system
        • BX Antitoxin
        • Color therapy, sound therapy, touch therapy, energetic therapy, etc. all are important as well.
      Kerri Rivera - Healing Autism (LIA Foundation)
      • Has recovered 64 children with ASD using MMS
      • Autism is virus, bacteria, candida, parasites, heavy metals, inflammation, and food allergies.  Some feel it comes from vaccines, diet, toxins, genetics.
      • 1 out of 2 children in the US is chronically ill while 1 in 54 boys has autism.
      • Biomedical approach is diet, supplements, pathogen treatment, therapies (speech, etc.), chelation, and hyperbarics.
      • Autism is avoidable, treatable, and curable.
      • The protocol is diet, MMS, ocean water, parasite protocol, other supplements, biofilm, chelation, and hyperbarics.
      • Starts with diet and then goes to MMS and ocean water.  Later to a parasite protocol and other therapies such as biofilms.
      • Step #1 - Diet - remove sugar, flour, dairy.  Most important first step.  Gluten free, casein free, and soy free.  Free of all toxins.  Leaky gut leads to inflammation in the brain.  Every time you break the diet, brain inflammation is created.  3 days for casein to be removed from the body but 8 months for gluten!  Proteins: Beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish (small), eggs, organic, no processed meats, no shellfish.  Fruit: all fruit is acceptable and homemade juices are acceptable except when on MMS as they have antioxidants, no canned fruit or dried fruits.  All vegetables including french fries if not frozen, fast food, or flour-containing.  Nuts: cashew, walnut, almond, hazelnut, coconut including nut milks.  Grains: corn, rice, amaranth, quinoa, millet, tapioca, xantham gum, sorghum, and buckwheat.  Beans except for soy.  Sweeteners: xylitol, stevia, honey, agave, maple.  No cane sugar, brown sugar, or sugar.  Fruit is best away from other types of foods to avoid fermentation on the stomach.  The diet is all or nothing.  This that are not allowed: corn syrup, MSG, oats, pasta, candies, Splenda, jello, and several others.  Avoid all milks except for nut milks. No cow. No goat.  Cow milk even without casein is not ok.  Wheat and dairy must be avoided entirely.  Most breads have yeast which may feed Candida.  Avoid carrageenan (brain inflammation), sugar, yeast, soy, preservatives, coloring, cane, malt, corn syrup.
      • Avoid phenols in kids with self-injurious behaviors.  Mangoes can be a problem due to phenols.
      • Cannot play with Play-Doh as it is 100% wheat.
      • Step #2 - Add in MMS and ocean water.  Autism is an excess of pathogens, not a lack of supplements.  Too many supplements may just be feeding the pathogens.  MMS kills all pathogens - virus, bacteria, Candida, parasites.  Neutralizes heavy metals.  MMS is a mixture of sodium chlorite and citric acid which releases chlorine dioxide.  MMS has a positive charge like the human body.  Pathogens have a negative charge and attract MMS.  MMS eliminates biofilm and stimulates the immune system.  Chlorine dioxide used by FDA to kill pathogens on food.  Used in water purification.  MMS changes the mitochondrial membrane electrical potential.  10% citric acid - 5 drops per 1 drop MMS and 3 minutes to activate.  50% citric acid - 1 drop per 1 drop MMS and 20 seconds to activate.  Dry glass -> MMS -> citric acid -> wait -> add water -> drink.  Can be used orally, as enemas, in baths.  No juice should be used while using MMS as it may negate its oxidizing effect.  Can use a baby bottle with activated MMS over 24 hour period without having to re-activate with each dose.  For enemas, 8-20 activated drops in 250-1000 ml of water for 1-5 minutes every 1-2 days.  Can use a syringe with flexible tubing to administer.  Can use as a foot bath or normal bath.  MMS is killed by pineapple, citrus fruits, Vitamin C, CoQ10, alpha lipoic, Vitamin E, and other antioxidants.  Must mix with water, not other juices or milks.  Does not destroy intestinal flora.  Active in the body for 1 hour; best to dose hourly.  Works better than chelation for heavy metals.  As a spray - every ounce of water add 10 drops of activated MMS.  If a herx occurs, you can use vitamin C or orange juice to reduce the affect of the MMS.
      • They use Quinton ocean water to provide the body with minerals.  These help the immune system, detoxification, reduce fatigue, and balances minerals.
      • Step #3 - Parasite Protocol - diatomaceous earth and other substances.  New book coming on parasites by Andreas Kalcker.  Also use RX anti-parasitics, castor oil, and neem.  Testing is quite unreliable.  All the ASD children seem to have parasites.
      • Beyond this step, the other steps depend on whether or not the child still has ASD.  They use supplements and other individualized protocols after step #3.
      • Parasites like iron, B12, vitamin A, zinc, calcium, magnesium.  Iron may be low because the parasites are eating it from the body.  You don't want to give iron, but address the reason iron is low.
      • Theralac is a good probiotic.  She likes YES oils instead of fish oils.
      • 40% of children with autism have seizures.  Might use MCT oil capsules.
      • They like Bio-Chelat and bentonite clay baths to help with further metal detoxification.
      • Do not chelate when the child is constipated.
      • They use Biofilm Defense product to help with biofilms.
      • Order of importance: Parasites, Fungus, Bacteria, Virus.  Start with largest pathogens first.
      • They use hyperbarics at the end of the protocol.
      • Teeth grinding is a clue for parasites.
      • It's not a sprint; it's a marathon.
      Jennifer Salcido ND - Journey Through the Seven Levels of Healing (LIA Foundation)
      • Suppressing eczema (which is often a detoxification sign) may push things deeper and lead to asthma, etc.
      • Order of treatment - remove obstacles to healing (parasites, infections, heavy metals), stimulate healing power of nature (stimulate vitality of the body; constitutional hydrotherapy or homeopathy), tonify weakened systems (if weak digestion, may give bitters; ashwaganda supports health), correct structural integrity, prescribe natural substances or interventions for pathologies, prescribe RX substances, use surgery/radiation/chemo/suppressive drugs.  The lower down this list you have to go, the less useful for the patient and the more common are the side effects.
      • Lymphatic flow can be improved with a dental splint to move the jaw forward.
      • Seven levels of healing.  Higher levels have downward benefits.  
        • Environmental (very bottom level) - reduce toxicity, improve food and water.  We can only be as healthy as our environment.  Air purifiers, water filters, organic food, non-toxic cleaners and cookware and personal products.
        • Physical - correct deficiencies such as lithium, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin A, EFAs, glutathione, cholesterol.  Address food allergies.  Correct structure.  Nasal balloon can be a helpful correction.  Clear infections and inflammation such as yeast, virus, bacteria, parasites, and spirochetes.  Clear toxins and inflammation - metals and biotoxins.  Tonify the weakened systems.  Often need very low doses for ASD kids.
        • Electromagnetic - energetic and vibrational level.  Seizures can be from EMF stress and the seizure is the discharge.  Wi-Fi, electricity, cordless phones, cell phones, power lines, metal on clothing, hair, teeth, zippers, hair ties, barrettes, retainers, fillings.  Scars can be a factor here.  Metal-free mattress.  Turn off fuses.  Avoid apartment buildings.  Yoga, acupuncture, and Qi Gong can be helpful on this level.
        • Emotional - common blockages are fear, anger, abandonment, frustration, grief, loneliness, feeling inadequate, feeling lost.  Journaling, flower essences, color therapy (blue calms), aromatherapy, venting, homeopathy, EFT is often the most helpful.  Book: Flower Essence Repertoire.  Children carry the emotional burdens of the parent.
        • Psychological - belief systems.  Common blocks: I am not loved.  Nobody likes me.  Nobody understands me.  I am not accepted as I am.  I am not good enough.  I am not safe.  I am different from others.  Replace limiting beliefs with liberating beliefs.  Tapping can be helpful with an affirmation tapping the thumbs together and then the pinkies.
        • Transcendent - where we are connected to others; the web of life.  We are connected to each other.  Collective unconscious.  Family Constellation.
        • Spiritual - connection with God.  Unbalanced chakras need balancing.  Soul loss after significant trauma.  Entities.  Disconnectedness from God.  Flower essences, essential oils, meditation, connectedness to a higher power, fasting, prayer, surrendering.
      Dr. T. C. Theoharides - Novel Treatment Approaches to Autism (LIA Foundation)
      • Common problems in autism: brain inflammation (high IL-6 and TNF), blood-brain barrier disruption, brain fog.
      • Food intolerance and food allergies are associated with mast cell activation.
      • Mast cells are immune cells.  They contain histamine.  They release pro-inflammatory molecules that initiate inflammation.
      • Inflammation has a role in the body's response to infections but it often overdoes it.
      • Many ASD children have a history of allergic symptoms.
      • Mast cells may be triggered by environmental factors.
      • Many psychiatric diseases and autism are diseases where the brain is attacked by the immune system and there is focal inflammation in parts of the brain.
      • Microglia are the immune cells of the brain.  Recent papers are showing that microglial activation leads to brain inflammation.
      • Epigenetics is the activation of genes from environmental factors or stress.
      • mTOR activation is associated with higher risk of autism.  An old antibiotic called Rapamycin could block mTOR as a way of treating autism.
      • They studied many flavanoids that occur in nature and found luteolin that has an affect blocking mTOR as well. It is much more potent than Rapamycin in blocking mTOR.
      • Absorb less than 5% of flavanoids taken orally.  Flavanoids are lipophilic.  Made into liposomal.
      • Flavanoids are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, mast cell inhibitors, and metal chelators.
      • Luteolin mimics growth factors for neurons and is neuro-protective.
      • Activation of mast cells occurs in the gut and in the brain and opens the blood-brain barrier and causes both gut and brain inflammation.  These contribute to autism. Quercetin can help to block inflammation.
      • They are poorly absorbed.  Algonot uses olive kernel oil to facilitate desired action in the brain and gut.  Lutimax, another product, is only 20% pure luteolin and less than 5% is absorbed orally.
      • NeuroProtek may inhibit cytokines, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, microglia inhibitor, stabilizes blood vessels, is neuroprotective, and reverses Alzheimer's and ASD in mice.
      • Some children do not tolerate phenols and they have a low phenol formulation as well.
      • Capsules can be opened up for people that cannot swallow capsules.  Can put in anything but water.
      • Working on a formulation more like a gummy bear that releases the luteolin under the tongue.
      • Ketotifen is an antihistamine like Benadryl but is also a mild inhibitor of mast cells and of eosinophils.  It is different from the way NeuroProtek works.  Ketotifen's action (eosinophils) is in addition to NeuroProtek (slows mast cells).
      • FibroProtek is for teenagers and adults with CFS or Fibromyalgia.  Will be available soon.  Inflammation is the cause of these conditions.
      • Autism is reversible.
        Disclaimer: While I attempted to accurately represent the statements of the various speakers, it is possible that the above contains errors or inaccuracies.  If you have any corrections to the content listed above, please Contact Me.