collecte section Bourgogne

napa valley : worldwide lyme protest

A peaceful protest/awareness event will be held May 11 starting at 10 a.m. outside of the Napa Valley Exposition during BottleRock Napa Valley.

The Napa event will be part of a worldwide protest happening in over 20 countries.

Protesters will be raising awareness for Lyme patients who need a health care community that is better educated in order to effectively diagnose and treat Chronic Lyme Disease.

Lyme patients from all over the world feel they are being ignored and even being denied treatment for tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Babesia, Erlichisois, Ricksettia and Bartonella.

Demands are being made for accurate testing, proper treatments, and admittance that Chronic Lyme Disease is real, serious and potentially fatal.

Lyme patients are stating that independent funding for medical research into Lyme Disease testing and treatment are needed.