Petitioning The U.S. Senate 2 - The U.S. Senate: Calling for a Congressional investigation of the CDC, IDSA and ALDF
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The U.S. Senate: Calling for a Congressional investigation of the CDC, IDSA and ALDF
We are experiencing a health crisis here in New Hampshire and across the country with the growing epidemic of Lyme disease. A number of legislators have personally been affected and have introduced legislation to address this problem. Here are just a few recent examples.
Representative David Linsky: “The occurrence of Lyme disease has reached near epidemic proportions in Massachusetts. Virtually every family in Massachusetts has been affected by Lyme disease in some way. Lyme disease is a public health crisis in the Commonwealth.” Read more…
Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York
Senator Richard Blumenthal: "Today for me culminates more than a decade of work and probably a decade more, because I've seen firsthand the devastating, absolutely unacceptable damage done by Lyme disease to individual human beings, Connecticut children and residents whose lives have been changed forever as a result of Lyme disease” Read more….
New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Congressman Chris Smith: "It seems everywhere I go, someone comes up to me to talk about how Lyme disease has severely impacted their lives or someone they know," Read more…
Virginia Governor’s Task Force Chair Michael P Farris, Esq: "Doctors here in Virginia are committing malpractice by saying the ELISA test is sufficient." Read more…
Sen. Harris says he was severely affected by the disease, but “got a lucky break.” His doctor, constrained by a disciplinary board that limited antibiotic use for tick-borne illness to 1 month or less, arranged for 17 physicians to take turns writing prescriptions for Sen. Harris’s treatment. Read more…
Two HoustonTexas physicians tested their chronically ill patients for Lyme disease via CDC Western blot criteria finding all patients positive for the infection in a state where the prevalence of Lyme infected ticks is only about 1-2%. “No history of bull’s-eye rash or illness following tick bite was reported by these patients.” The CDC defines “Lyme disease” exclusively as a zoonotic illness. Congenital and gestational transfer cases have been disregarded for reasons not evident to us”. Read more…
After spending four years on this subject the following statement from a physician on the front lines treating the late stage Lyme epidemic for a quarter century rings true:
“In the fullness of time, the mainstream handling of chronic Lyme disease will be viewed as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of medicine because elements of academic medicine, elements of government and virtually the entire insurance industry have colluded to deny a disease.”
We have studies proving persistent infection after antibiotic treatment for mice, dogs, ponies, monkeys, cows, iris biopsy, and ligamentous tissue but if you perform a simple Yahoo search for the following statement, “There is no convincing scientific evidence that chronic Lyme exists” you will find the top search results are connected to “elements of academic medicine” involved in the denial of the late stage Lyme epidemic.
Persistent Lyme infection: 273 Peer-Reviewed Studies
Circular reasoning: "Suppress all evidence and then proclaim there is no evidence"
“One way to stop an epidemic is to redefine it by narrowing the disease's diagnostic criteria so tightly that it's hard for any chronically ill Lyme patient to fit the profile and obtain insurance reimbursement.” Read more…
There has been a combined effort on the part of the CDC, IDSA and ALDF to use the media for propagating the Lyme disease disinformation campaign followingChomsky's propaganda model. They have used Medscape, Family Practice News, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet Infectious Diseases and now The American Heart Association to spread the disinformation. This deliberate campaign is aimed at purposely confusing our medical community to keep case numbers artificially low by omitting the late stage of the disease entirely as there is absolutely no medical training whatsoever for the later stages of this disease (Willful Ignorance) so patients are often ping ponged though the medical community for years or decades before obtaining a late stage Lyme diagnosis. Nine Steps to Deny an Epidemic on a National Level 101
The producers of the documentary, “Under Our Skin,” submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate possible conflicts-of-interest of three Centers for Disease Control (CDC) employees who control public health policy for Lyme disease. That request was finally fulfilled (May 2012) from the Department of Health and Human Services (four years later!). The information received is highly redacted with approximately half the information cut. What does the CDC know about Lyme disease that requires hiding from the public? The Centers for Disease Control has betrayed the public trust.
Please call your legislator and respectfully urge immediate action from the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives to fully investigate the facts surrounding failures and leadership and management deficiencies by requesting a Congressional investigation of the CDC, IDSA and ALDF (Find your Senator) (Find your Representative)
List of abbreviations
CDC: Centers for Disease Control
IDSA: Infectious Disease Society of America
ALDF: American Lyme Disease Foundation
IDSA: Infectious Disease Society of America
ALDF: American Lyme Disease Foundation
Carl Tuttle
33 David Dr
Hudson, NH03051
33 David Dr
Hudson, NH03051
Website: New Hampshire Lyme Misdiagnosis
The Tuttle family was featured on New Hampshire Chronicle’s “Living with Lyme” with the program archived on their site in six small segments for viewing on the computer
The U.S. Senate
The U.S. House of Representatives
The Governor of NH
The NH State Senate
The NH State House
The U.S. Senate
The U.S. Senate
The U.S. House of Representatives
The Governor of NH
The NH State Senate
The NH State House
The U.S. Senate
We are experiencing a health crisis here in New Hampshire and across the country with the growing epidemic of Lyme disease. One way to stop an epidemic is to redefine it by narrowing the disease's diagnostic criteria so tightly that it's hard for any chronically ill Lyme patient to fit the profile and obtain insurance reimbursement. The following petition exposes an ongoing effort to deny the late...