collecte section Bourgogne

98% of seabird ticks carrying Lyme disease, says this British paper from 1998

98% of seabird ticks carrying Lyme disease, says this British paper from 1998:

<<The overall proportion of PCR-positive specimens ranged from 7.8% for I. hexagonus (mostly from mustelids and hedgehogs) to 98.3% for I. uriae (mostly from seabirds). Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. DNA was found for the first time in the bat parasite A. vespertilionis (85.3%). The spirochaete is newly recorded in British populations of I. trianguliceps (97.4%, mostly from voles, mice and shrews), D. reticulatus (12.5% from dog and man) and R. sanguineus (30% from dogs and human dwellings)>>