collecte section Bourgogne

When he was admitted to hospital after paralysis he was sure he had Lyme disease

In autumn 2007 the superior of Feiringklinikken placed for examination at our hospital after waking without feeling in his legs. - I had a tick bite on Tromøya, but since there was no red ring around the bite site I figured that I would not get sick , says Golf.
Read also: New test to reveal ticks disease(see post below)

When he was admitted to hospital after paralysis he was sure he had Lyme disease. Test of blood and spinal cord showed no signs of disease. - So I went to a colleague at Vestfold Hospital where I took three tests, all of which confirmed that I had Lyme disease, says Golf. He took up the treatment with antibiotics was interrupted by the negative findings at Ullevål. - If I had relied on tests at our hospital, I had probably been disabled today, said Dr. Svein Golf. - Chronic pain he react to the random detection of the serious disease borreliosis in Norway.
In Norway there are in fact no standard for how to take samples in patients, no standard for how to test these samples, and no standard treatment for the disease. Professionals VG has spoken to say straight out that it is almost random who are diagnosed with the disease, and that there are just under 20 different tests can give different results. Thus, it is also conceivable that Ullevål detect Lyme disease in patients who are declared fit for disease at other hospitals.
Chief Svein Golf is back in full work at Feiringklinikken but feel the problems of detection of Lyme disease in the body every day. - I have chronic pain acidify existence, and is slightly bitter at myself because I did not understand what was wrong, he said. autumn of 2008 he took new samples and got the same result: Vestfold Hospital confirmed Lyme disease, Ullevål University Hospital disproved disease. - It was a real eye opener. I do not want to be collegial or ufin in any way. But if our hospitals do not adhere to good enough tests on such a serious disease begins to recall a scandal, says Golf.
Looking at the matter Directorate of Health will consider whether there is a need for standardization in dealing with Lyme disease. Secretary Anne Kari Lande Hasle of Health and Care Services says that communities in general are quick to comply with gold standards, but that the Health Directorate must clean up if it is so coincidences decide who gets proven a serious illness. - When communities do not find this out yourself , the Health Directorate on the court. They will now look into this matter, Hasle says to VG. -
Difficult to detect - There is plenty to be done to detect Lyme disease, says Vivian Kjellandshagen who writes thesis on ticks and Lyme disease bacterium at the University of Agder. - There are three different Borrelia bacteria known to cause serious illness. They are easiest to detect associated with skin disorders and symptoms in the joints. We have most probably by a bacterium that is associated with the nervous system, and it is very difficult to prove, says Kjellandshage