Free Lecture by Dr. Robert S. Lane
Friday, October 4, 2013
7pm lecture
open house starts at 6:30pm
Dwight Center
Pepperwood Preserve
2130 Pepperwood Preserve Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: (707) 591-9310
Fax: (707) 591-9315
FREE/No reservations necessary
"During this lecture, Dr. Lane will highlight parts of his research and address popular questions including what Lyme disease is and where it occurs, what ticks and wildlife species perpetuate it, how people get it, and what may be done to prevent it."
Atteinte de la borréliose chronique persistante , babesia et bartonella ; le déni est grand , battons nous pour la faire connaitre la borréliose de lyme et ses coinfections ; 8 ans de bi et tri therapies d'antibiotiques auxquels j'ai ajouté une partie du protocole Buhner et autres
collecte section Bourgogne