collecte section Bourgogne

Ronde tafel 23 april 2014 Nele Lijnen is zowel actief in de Belgische politiek als senator van Open Vld, alsook Eerste Schepen in Hechtel-Eksel van HE.

Nele Lijnen is zowel actief in de Belgische politiek als senator van Open Vld, alsook Eerste Schepen in Hechtel-Eksel van HE.

Borreliose: Die unterschätzte Syphilis aus dem Wald

Children 5-14 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease & Co-infections.

Children 5-14 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease & Co-infections. Some studies show significant IQ drops in students with Lyme; may reversed after treatment. Learn more at: and

Bite Back for a Cure raises funds for Lyme disease research

The Tick-Borne Disease Alliance (TBDA) has announced it will invest over $20,000 into Lyme disease research thanks to the success of their recent “Bite Back for a Cure” Walk/Run. Senator Richard Blumenthal (as seen in UNDER OUR SKIN) was on hand for the announcement.
The Tick-Borne Disease Alliance will invest more than $20,000 into Lyme disease research thanks to the April 6 “Bite Back for a Cure” Walk/Run in...

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month Main Liner leads advocacy of one the most challenging diseases to diagnose.

Main Liner leads advocacy of one the most challenging diseases to diagnose.

Borreliose: Achtung, Zecken auf der Suche nach Blut! -


Infektionskrankheiten: 5 Fakten zu Zecken, FSME und Borreliose -

Infektionskrankheiten: 5 Fakten zu Zecken, FSME und Borreliose -
Das schöne Frühlingswetter lockt nach draußen - auch Zecken, die als Krankheitsüberträger berüchtigt sind. Wie groß ist die Gefahr, und wie kann man...

Mme Sophie Rohfritsch attire l'attention de Mme la ministre des affaires sociales et de la santé sur la maladie de Lyme. Cette maladie pouvant avoir des conséquences graves, elle lui demande de bien vouloir lui faire connaître l'état de progression de cette maladie en France.

va t on avancer un jour ???
le gouvernement ne semble JAMAIS prendre cette horrible maladie au sérieux , il est urgent que les choses changent

Borreliose nach Zeckenstich: Die Geschichte eines Betroffenen

Die Zeckensaison hat wieder begonnen. Jan erkrankte im Sommer vergangenen Jahres an Borreliose. Hier erzählt er über seine Krankheit...

Wearing Clothing Pretreated with Insect Repellent Significantly Reduced Bites.

From the Wall Street Journal: Wearing Clothing Pretreated with Insect Repellent Significantly Reduced Bites.
Wearing clothing pretreated with the insect repellent permethrin significantly reduced tick bites in outdoor workers compared with taking...

Lyme disease on the rise in Canada, linked to ticks

Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, published a lengthy article yesterday detailing the rise of chronic Lyme disease in Canada and why the country is lagging behind in proper testing.
This is the first in a series examining health repercussions for Canadians due to a changing climate. First up: Lyme disease

Write by the Sea: Living with Lyme Disease


Worldwide Lyme Protest UK

Worldwide Lyme disease protests will take place in 21 different countries on 16th, 17th and 18th May 2014. The UK has thousands of Lyme disease sufferers who need to make their voices heard. Find out more.

Camilla Kvartoft fick fästing på ögat

t was last Thursday that Camilla Kvartoft discovered that there was something not quite right with her one eye.
- It started to itch so incredible and when I came home in the afternoon I discovered that it set a tick right on the eyelashes. It was a very strange place to get a tick on, she says to Aftonbladet.
She removed the tick and noted afterwards that the facial skin become slightly swollen. The next day it was worse and on Saturday she decided to go to the emergency room. Because she had Lyme disease before she suspected what had happened. And sure enough, she had once again been hit by the tick-borne disease and therefore had to start a course of antibiotics.
- It looked really frizzy out Saturday. It itched and hurt and was swollen. But now, the antibiotics started to work, she says.
Programledaren Camilla Kvartoft har drabbats av borrelia. Sjukdomen orsakades av en fästing – i ögat. – Det var ett väldigt konstigt ställe att få en fästing på, säger hon.

Populations of large wildlife are declining around the world, while zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals to humans) are on the rise.

Populations of large wildlife are declining around the world, while zoonotic diseases (those transmitted from animals to humans) are on the rise.

From Dr Horowitz Changes in the wildlife population have recently been found to increase the incidence of Bartonella infections. This is similar to prior research showing that a change in the types and numbers of predators in our environment can contribute to the increased incidence of Lyme disease. We must pay better attention to the (im)balance of our ecosystem if we hope to control the spread of Lyme and associated tick-borne infections. 

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month!

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month! What better way to show you are a proud lymie than to get Live Laugh Lyme decals! Get your decal TODAY!
Use the code MAY2014 to save 15%!

Lyme Disease – Patients Languish while Facts are Buried

<<Lyme Disease is acquired by the bite of a tick infected with bacteria of the genus Borrelia (which also cause Relapsing Fever). Those who work (or play) outdoors among vegetation – forestry and park workers, groundsmen, gardeners, farmworkers, railworkers etc. – are particularly at risk. Forests and rural areas are especially dangerous, but the presence of Lyme-carrying ticks has been documented even in London parks.>>
On 10-11 May 2013, the first Worldwide Lyme Disease Protest was held in countries across the world. Why are patients protesting?

Colloque sur la maladie de Lyme: une première au Sénat!

Wussten Sie eigentlich? Lyme Borreliose ist in erster Linie eine klinische Diagnose

Wussten Sie eigentlich?
Lyme Borreliose ist in erster Linie eine klinische Diagnose.
Warum erklärt dieser Artikel.
Ärzte Zeitung 14.04.2014
Labor liefert bei Borreliose-Verdacht nur Indizien
Die Labordiagnostik bei Verdacht auf eine Borreliose ist nicht einfach. Experten kritisieren die geringe Test-Sensitivität und fordern vermehrt öffentlich finanzierte Forschungsprojekte.
Von Thomas Meißner
Denn die Ergebnisqualität sei durchweg schlecht: Die Inter-Assay-Varianz liege zwischen 34 und 59 Prozent, die Sensitivität irgendwo zwischen 18 und 66 Prozent. Schwarzbach: "Vertrauen Sie nicht dem ELISA. Schließen Sie bei negativem ELISA nicht die Borreliose aus!"
Er sprach sich dafür aus, nur noch den Immunoblot als Borrelien-Nachweis zuzulassen, da er mit etwa 95 Prozent hochspezifisch und auch etwas sensitiver sei. Allerdings lassen sich auch damit bei vier bis sechs von zehn Patienten, trotz akuter oder chronischer Infektion, keine Borrelien-Antikörper nachweisen.
Labordiagnostik nur ein Puzzlestein
Die Labordiagnostik kann demnach nur ein Puzzlestein sein bei der Gesamtbeurteilung eines Patienten mit Verdacht auf Borreliose. Hilfreich sind gegebenenfalls weitere Teste wie der - ebenfalls kontrovers diskutierte - Lymphozytentransformationstest (LTT).
Diesen empfiehlt Schwarzbach bei seronegativen Patienten mit typischer Symptomatik. Im Wesentlichen könne damit eine stattgehabte Infektion nachgewiesen werden.
Der LTT sei jedoch auch als Indiz für die Dynamik der Krankheit geeignet, weil die Immunzellen ihre Reaktivität verlören, wenn sie etwa zwei Monate lang keinen Kontakt zum Krankheitserreger gehabt hätten.
Persistiere ein pathologischer LTT, sei dies ein Hinweis auf eine (noch) bestehende Infektion. Die LTT-Spezifität gab Schwarzbach mit über 80 Prozent und die Sensitivität mit etwa 90 Prozent an. Ein weiteres Indiz liefert die Bestimmung der CD57-Zellen. Die Methode gilt als präzise, die Bewertung scheint noch nicht ganz klar.
Ebenso geben Liquortests keinen labortechnischen Ausschluss einer Neuroborreliose. Und bei Lyme-Borreliose im Stadium III ohne wesentliche ZNS-Beteiligung fänden sich zu 95 Prozent keine Liquor-Antikörper.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

LymeMD: The Lyme literate patient (and Babesia)

'When patients ask me if I am a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor my answer is: "Are you a Lyme literate patient? this is what is important." Unfortunately there is no official certification for a specialty which is not officially acknowledged to exist. The term LLMD has no real meaning. Anyone can use it. Patients have to be their own advocates and know as much about the disease as possible. Learning about the disease is daunting under the best of circumstances and impossible for most patients suffering with"Lyme brains." Nonetheless, keep plugging away. Hopefully a friend, family member or spouse can be helpful'

25th Anniversary Issue of The Lyme Times

25th Anniversary Issue of The Lyme Times

Tragedy as girl, 6, dies after contracting mystery disease following tick bite

A 6-year-old girl has died only weeks after contracting a mysterious disease after being bitten by a tick. Emilee Russell of Black...

MC Herx and the Chronicles of Borrelia! Still my favorite line...'everyone stand up say Burgdorferi!'

MC Herx and the Chronicles of Borrelia! Still my favorite line...'everyone stand up say Burgdorferi!'

Chronicles of Borrelia


Have MS? request testing from IgeneX Labs.

The Faces of Lyme in Alabama

As we lead up to Lyme Disease Awareness month we are reminded of how far we've come in raising awareness and connecting others.
A little more than a year ago, most of the volunteers who run our Association felt alone in their fight with tick-borne diseases. They were also misled into feeling that we do not have tick-borne diseases in Alabama, often being told they were making up their symptoms. Because of THEIR hard work connecting with and helping others, they now knowthey are NOT alone in that struggle.
Before we start our May events we want to take some time to reflect on why we exist and who we work for. This video produced last year by our BUSY volunteer Carrye Hodges, briefly shares the faces and individual stories of those fighting Chronic Lyme Disease in Alabama; many who have since been instrumental in helping others through our organization.
We have seen progress as well through proper treatment, our hope is for complete healing for all suffering from tick-borne disease. We hope that, at the end of the day, no one will ever be denied treatment in Alabama because of the misconception that Lyme Disease does not live here...
These are the faces of Lyme Disease in Alabama. Lyme is alive and well in Alabama, but we are not. The key is prevention and awareness. Please ask for permis...


Please read what is going on in the USA

Tick-borne illness and blood donations - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

'Tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease may be transmitted through blood transfusions. Yet, due to inaccurate diagnostic tests, we currently have no way of adequately screening people. The CDC believes that Babesia is the most common tick-borne illness transmitted through blood transfusions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve any screening test for Babesia, which is a malaria-like disease that can be fatal'
We believe the CDC and FDA guidelines for blood donations is flawed – to expose the flaw a group of citizens has launched an interesting grassroots...