collecte section Bourgogne

OspA causes immune suppression

eg<<9) Yale and UConn performed a pediatric trial with LYMErix - knowing it was never a vaccine - in Europe on Czech children, without informing the Czech's that there is no OspA from B31 in Europe. This is technically known as "assault." The pediatric LYMErix trial had no value other than to determine how badly the children would be damaged.
10) The reason the RICO cabal caved was because in the movie, UnderOurSkin, shown in New York City on April 26, 2008, Yale's Eugene Shapiro flat-out lied his face off about congenital Lyme. This made Blumenthal's staff utterly FURIOUS.
11) The crooks are playing a DNA/RNA shell game and lied to and about Borrelia mastersi (DNA Crimes: mastersi) The DNA from Masters Disease traces to a Bovine Relapsing Fever and Barbour applied for a patent for its flagellin gene in 1996. The crooks STILL haven't told Ed Masters that OspA means nothing as regards whether or not Borrelia are in ticks (the real disease is Relapsing Fever which is clearly all over the country), despite using the proper RNA and DNA primers (16S and 23S and flagellin) for nearly 20 years whenever they want to identify spirochetes in ticks. (Humans don't matter; only royalties matter.)
Barbour's Lonestari patent: 5,932,220
These filthy, dirty, low-life CDC crooks have no shame.>>