collecte section Bourgogne

Texas Lyme Study: 25% of Ticks Carry Lyme

It appears Lyme disease has made its way into Texas. Although believed to be a rare disease in the Lone Star State, Dr. Maria Esteve-Gassent, a research professor at Texas A and M University, found that 25% of the ticks tested were positive for Borrelia burgdorferi. I have patients from Texas who have come to see me because they were unable to find physicians who believed that they were sick with Lyme. They were told that the disease didn't exist in Texas. Health departments in each state need to regularly test ticks and follow the infection rates for borrelia species (including the relapsing fever spirochete, Borrelia miyamotoi) as well as associated co-infections like Babesia, which are rapidly changing. What was true several years ago, is not necessarily true now.
Texas Lyme Study: 25% of Ticks Carry Lyme