collecte section Bourgogne

This time last year I was in and out of hospital with breathing difficulties, left sided paralysis, and major problems with my speech, also a hundred other problems. I had told my husband that he had to let me go because I was desperately ill and in so much pain.

This time last year I was in and out of hospital with breathing difficulties, left sided paralysis, and major problems with my speech, also a hundred other problems. I had told my husband that he had to let me go because I was desperately ill and in so much pain. He kept me going and about seven months ago I staggered through the doors of the Well One clinic which proved to be the turning point of my life. Treatment and support from the clinic saw me, after 22 years of infection, get stronger and stronger. Here is a link to a photo taken of me on Saturday. I never thought that I would see the day again.