collecte section Bourgogne

Wussten Sie schon? Häufig erinnern sich Patienten an keinen bemerkten Zeckenstich. Do you not remember a tick bite? They are painless, and can be missed but......

Do you not remember a tick bite? They are painless, and can be missed but......
Perhaps you never had one - and the transmission of Lyme borreliosis came from an INSECT!!

Here are just some publications from the med scientific literature about the very probable transmission of Borrelia by stinging INSECTS , such as horseflies :
Halouzka J , Wilske B , D Stunzner , Sanogo YO , Hubalek Z., Isolation of Borrelia afzelii from overwintering Culex pipiens biotype molestus mosquitoes . , Infection . 1999, 27 (4-5) :275 -7 PMID : 10885843 .
Magnarelli LA, Anderson JF , Ticks and biting insects infected with the etiologic agent of Lyme disease , Borrelia burgdorferi. , J Clin Microbiol. August 1988 , 26 ( 8) :1482 - sixth PMID : 3170711th
Hubalek Z , Halouzka J , Juricova Z., Investigation of haematophagous arthropods for Borreliae - Summarized data , 1988-1996 , Folia Parasitol ( Praha). 1998, 45 ( 1) :67 -72. PMID : 9516997
Halouzka J , Postic D , Hubalek Z., Isolation of the spirochaete Borrelia afzelii from the mosquito Aedes vexans in the Czech Republic . , Med Vet Entomol . 1998 Jan; 12 ( 1) :103 - fifth PMID : 9513946
Wussten Sie schon? Häufig erinnern sich Patienten an keinen bemerkten Zeckenstich. Dafür kann es vielfältige Gründe geben. Einer hierfür könnte sein, daß es durchaus weitere Übertragungswege gibt. Hier nur einige richtungsweisende Hinweise der med. wissenschaftlichen Literatur, über die sehr wahrscheinliche Übertragung von Borrelien durch stechende INSEKTEN, wie Pferdebremsen:
Halouzka J, Wilske B, Stunzner D, Sanogo YO, Hubalek Z., Isolation of Borrelia afzelii from overwintering Culex pipiens biotype molestus mosquitoes., Infection. 1999;27(4-5):275-7., PMID: 10885843
Magnarelli LA, Anderson JF, Ticks and biting insects infected with the etiologic agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi., J Clin Microbiol. 1988 Aug;26(8):1482-6. PMID: 3170711.
Hubalek Z, Halouzka J, Juricova Z., Investigation of haematophagous arthropods for borreliae--summarized data, 1988-1996, Folia Parasitol (Praha). 1998;45(1):67-72. PMID: 9516997
Halouzka J, Postic D, Hubalek Z., Isolation of the spirochaete Borrelia afzelii from the mosquito Aedes vexans in the Czech Republic., Med Vet Entomol. 1998 Jan;12(1):103-5. PMID: 9513946
J’aime ·